Black radish - effect and application

Black radish - effect and application / Naturopathy
Who looks at him, is certainly not attracted to his appearance. Black, plump, round and rough - the black radish. No feast for the eyes, but a food that can be effective even when raw.


  • ingredients
  • Healing effect - digestive tract
  • Healing effect - respiratory tract
  • Use in homeopathy
  • Basic vegetables
  • Capsules and juice
  • detoxification

The black radish, known in technical terms as Raphanus sativus niger, belongs to the genus of cruciferous vegetables like mustard, horseradish and radish. He is an ancient crop and was already known in ancient Rome and Greece as a food and also as a remedy. It was eaten raw with salt and vinegar and a juice made from it as a cough suppressant. Hildegard von Bingen calls him cleansing and expectorant.

Black radish plays a relatively minor role in the modern diet as a vegetable, but as a remedy for indigestion and cough this is still popular. (Image: thongsee /


The black radish contains various vitamins, minerals and especially mustard oil glycosides.

Healing effect - digestive tract

The digestive tract benefits from the consumption of black radish. The production of digestive juices is stimulated, intestinal activity is activated, and bile production is stimulated. The fat digestion is supported. The fats are broken down into their individual parts, thus reducing bloating and fullness. The black radish also has an antispasmodic effect.

Healing effect - respiratory tract

The contained mustard oil glycosides have a positive effect on the respiratory tract. They kill the bacteria and help with a persistent cough. For this purpose, a radish juice is made from black radish as a proven cough medicine.

This vegetable is in season in October and this is exactly the time when the cold wave begins. The radish, like carrots, can be stored for a few months. So he is always ready for coughing or hoarseness. Get the black ball and go:

  • Slice the radish on top and sear it (about one third of the pulp).
  • Then pierce the bottom of the radish with a long needle from top to bottom - about five times.
  • The radish is then placed on a vessel to catch the juice.
  • Five tablespoons of honey are filled in the hollowed out opening and now cough syrup production can begin.
  • After a few hours, the first liquid has formed and the cough medicine is ready.
  • If there is no more juice, some fruit pulp is eroded again and the radish is filled again with honey. The whole thing starts from the beginning.
  • An adult may consume a teaspoonful of food several times a day - children according to their age, less.

If you do not like honey, you can also use sugar candy for cough syrup.

When coughing black radish syrup has proven itself as a natural home remedy many times. (Image: RFBSIP /

Use in homeopathy

Black radish is also used in homeopathy. Here it is used as Raphanus sativus niger in potentiated form such as in D6. For indigestion such as frequent diarrhea, flatulence, but also constipation, upset stomach, constant fullness and irritable bowel the black radish is prescribed. Furthermore, this agent is used in kidney, bladder and gallstones. If the intestinal flora is disturbed, the homeopathically prepared black radish can support a colon cleansing. In migraine, which has a hepatic cause, Raphanus sativus is worth a try.

Basic vegetables

Basic vegetables have anti-inflammatory effects, such as rheumatism. In addition, alkaline diet helps to neutralize and dissipate excess acids, toxins and toxins in the body. The base suppliers include potatoes, bananas, spinach, dandelion, dried figs and black radish, as well as all other radish varieties. The black representative is certainly not, because of its appearance, not the favorite vegetables, but it is definitely recommended.

Black radish contains a large amount of minerals and vitamins. However, the most important thing is the so-called mustard oil, which has the radish in large quantities. As already mentioned, this has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract, stimulates bile-juice production and has an antibacterial effect in the respiratory tract. Also, mustard oils, when regularly consumed, are considered anti-cancer. Likewise, these isothiocyanates (mustard oils) are able to detoxify the body, which is very important in many people at the present time.
If you want to eat the black radish raw, you should first salt it. This slightly reduces the sharpness. Otherwise, it can also be eaten warm in a potato soup. Here's the recipe for a black radish potato soup for four:

  • 500 grams of peeled, diced potatoes,
  • 300 grams of black radish, also peeled and chopped,
  • a finely chopped garlic clove,
  • a small cut onion,
  • olive oil,
  • about one liter of vegetable stock,
  • 200 milliliters of soy cream or almond cream,
  • a little salt and pepper to taste.

Heat the olive oil and fry the onions. Then add garlic and potatoes and pour the whole with the vegetable broth. When the potatoes are cooked soft, add the black radish cubes and the cream. The whole thing is cooked for a short while, pureed and seasoned with the spices. All in all a base rich and delicious lunch and / or dinner.

Capsules and juice

Black radish is also available in the form of capsules as plant sap. Both the juice and the capsules relieve mild indigestion, have a detoxifying effect, stimulate the digestion of fat and are recommended for general detoxification. Both are best used by the way. If gallstones are present, the ingestion is foreseeable. Here, the homeopathic form should be used. But even better, no self-medication is operated, but before a doctor or non-medical practitioner interviewed.

For a detoxification can be used plant juices of dandelion, milk thistle, black radish and nettle, but these are not taken simultaneously, but at successive time intervals. (Image: Tijana /


A detoxification cure with fresh plant juices is a simple but effective way to detoxify the body. This cure should, if possible, be carried out for four weeks. In the first week of the dandelion's turn. This is an all-rounder. It purifies the blood and detoxifies the liver, bile and kidneys. After a week of taking the milk thistle comes. This is an absolute liver plant. It has a healing and regenerating effect on the liver. The third week is the turn of the black radish, and finally the stinging nettle. This works mainly excretion promoting on the kidneys and bladder.

Of each of these vegetable juices, which are to be purchased in health food stores, one tablespoon full of pure or with a little water is taken three times a day before meals. During the whole time, a healthy, balanced basic diet should be respected and enough still water should be drunk. In case of discomfort or intolerance, the intake will of course be terminated. This is a very gentle cure to cleanse the body. It is best done in spring or autumn. Or just in between to do something good. (Sw)