Happy life Recognizing, assessing and implementing life dreams

Happy life Recognizing, assessing and implementing life dreams / Naturopathy

Book review: "Wake up - Find the life that makes you happy" by Angelika Gulder

The author writes: "I had realized all previous dreams as far as possible, but new ones were not in sight. (...) I felt like in a vacuum, a transition, feeling like something new was about to start, but I had no idea what. Everything else that helped me to self-clarify and find a goal did not seem to work anymore. That's why I developed a new "Navigator": the Life Dream Navigator. "

The psychologist Angelika Gulder wants to "wake up" inspired to realize their own potential and sees the dreams of people as evidence to find this way to themselves. She asks, "Do you know its essence and purpose?" The book is also suitable for people who live to their fullest potential, but even more so for those who have questions and answers, which path they should take next.


  • Book review: "Wake up - Find the life that makes you happy" by Angelika Gulder
  • Dreams live
  • Guiding ideas and beliefs
  • Inner convictions
  • Lifelong Navigator
  • dream fields
  • Mystic Psychology?
  • The true self?

Dreams live

The book is divided into three parts: "Dreams and Life" shows what life dreams are, what makes night dreams different from daydreams, how dreams expand into visions, what the onion model of personality means and how people can "wake up", ie to develop dormant potential in them.

The author Angelika Gulder wants to help with her book to gain clarity about their own life dreams. (Image: stockpics / fotolia.com)

The second part is about living those dreams. At the same time, she clarifies at the outset that failure inevitably belongs when we try to translate our dreams into reality, and that this failure is important, because that is how the realizable part of our ideas emerges.

She then designs a "life dream navigator". First, "good" beliefs are important. People need to be aware of their own attitudes and beliefs and reflect that conscious desires and unconscious beliefs may conflict.

Anyone who finds his dreams and wants to live, can be prevented by such unaware "programs". Only those who know this unconscious can break through automatically occurring reaction patterns in concrete situations.

Guiding ideas and beliefs

Beliefs are the guiding principles, attitudes and beliefs that we believed to be true, based on experiences in the first years of life, which we would have adopted from parents, teachers, siblings and others.

While important, because we could quickly classify information with them, they also seemed like self-fulfilling prophecies: "If we believe something, we behave as if what we believe is true." The result would be a vicious circle of self-affirmation , Beliefs would also generalize.

They are useful because they help us construct our reality and orient ourselves in our lives. But the question is whether the corresponding belief helps or hinders us.

Supportive are beliefs such as "I can achieve anything", restricting, however, such as "cobblers stay with your last". If we were confident that we would not be able to do it anyway, we would put less force and confidence in the goals and see our beliefs confirmed even with small obstacles.

Supportive beliefs can be helpful in orienting oneself in life. (Image: oatawa / fotolia.com)

Inner convictions

Many inner convictions are so deeply rooted in us that we are not at all clear about it. We could recognize these hidden beliefs by paying attention to our own thoughts and words.

In all its parts, it engages readers to self-locate with answers to questions. Here are the answers to questions such as "dreams of life are ...", "My mother said about dreams ...". These answers should be considered calmly and asked if they are supporting or limiting beliefs. However, the author warns against simply writing positive sentences and lulling oneself into it.

In the "onion model" she locates the "true essence" of the personality in the "middle of the personality". Here we expect all our potential. This must be peeled out layer by layer.

Lifelong Navigator

This subchapter is about throwing one's gaze back and positioning oneself in terms of where we come from and where we are going, to our family of origin and how it shaped us. You could pay attention to what unfulfilled lifelong dreams your parents had, because sometimes it would be necessary to fulfill a lifelong dream of the parents before they go to their own.

After looking back, look at where you stand today and how the relationship with the family is today; the injured inner child would have to make peace with the parents.

The view should also be focused on the family of origin and the formative influences of this. (Image: ulza / fotolia.com)

Gulder sets himself apart from the myriad of "positive thinking" counselors who brainwash that people only need to condition themselves positively to lead a successful and happy life - which often plunges the victims of this esotericism into psychosocial misery because of themselves to blame for the fact that social reality looks different.

The psychologist, however, sheds light on where life dreams come from, whether and which dreams can be implemented in the specific reality and which ones are not. She writes close to the practice and close to life.

dream fields

Gulder then presents seven dream fields on which people could realize their lifelong dream job: Dream Job, Prince Charming and Frog Prince, "Does not go, gives no", "Have-wishes-Dreams", "My Body and Enlightenment" and "Think Big" - So dream job, dream partner, dream friends, dream experiences, dream ownership, dream body and dreams for the world.

In the Lifelum Navigator, the "dreamers" of the seven themes should now look into the past, see what the present looks like and how they imagine the future, find and implement their creativity in their "personality core". That would not work without risks.

Those who want to live their dreams must also have the courage to take risks. (Image: fotomek / fotolia.com)

Mystic Psychology?

Although Gulder refers to psychological categories such as the unconscious, he mingles them with esoteric fictions without social and neuropsychological basis - for example, "our essence, which contains all our potential and whose realization is the purpose and purpose of our lives", and which we unconsciously wrapped with many layers of protection in the first half of our lives and so "lost contact with our true selves".

The true self?

Although this "search for the true self" is standard in seminars on the psycho market from "primal therapy" to "healing with angels", it turns out to be a trap on the basis of memory research: memories are reconstructions, depending on the emotions and the circumstances Remembering, and the autobiographical memory intervenes in the stored memories and changes them to suit the present.

In other words, there is no "true self" hidden in a mystical depth because the image of that "self" is constantly changing in the brain itself.

In this respect, although Ms. Gulder sets the benchmark for people who want to reorient themselves, they combine these with untenable myths. At least in the last chapters dream-plan-doing she leaves a roughly "socio-psychologically" outlined framework and goes on to esoteric fairy tales like said "essence", which embodies "pure consciousness", up to "thoughts, vibrations and resonance" "," Energy Shift "and" Orders in the Universe ".

That's a shame, because the "life-dream navigator" itself is well thought-out as a coordinate system in order to better structure one's own life and achieve one's own goals, and can also be put into practice. (Dr. Utz Anhalt)

Angelika Gulder: Wake up! Find the life that makes you happy. Lifelong dream navigator. Campus Verlag GmbH 2017.