Natural home remedies for diarrhea

Natural home remedies for diarrhea /

Well-tried home remedies can help against diarrhea

If we get an acute diarrhea, it usually goes hand in hand with two or more mushy to watery stools a day. From the perspective of naturopathy, this is a cleansing process of the body, which can be well supported by home remedies. However, it is highly recommended to go to the doctor if the flow of fluid is more than three days long and mucous or blood is contained in the stool, especially during or after a trip abroad. The same applies if additionally fever and / or heavy exhaustion occurs. Even if infants and toddlers are affected, medical advice should be obtained, as they are particularly vulnerable to internal dehydration.


  • Well-tried home remedies can help against diarrhea
  • Pretzel sticks and coke? The right diet for diarrhea
  • Naturopathy and home remedies for abdominal pain and diarrhea
  • Proven home remedy: herbal tea with a fluid bowel movement
  • Schüßler salts for diarrhea
  • Help with diarrhea caused by healing earth and heat
  • Colon build-up after surviving diarrhea

Pretzel sticks and coke? The right diet for diarrhea

If the diarrhea (medical: diarrhea) is acute, it is advisable to take a fasting day with plenty of still water and fat-free vegetable broth. Not only small children do spelled broth well. This can be easily made by boiling 50 grams of whole spelled grains in one liter of water for about 20 minutes. The liquid is then strained and treated with medicated spices, such. B. Bertram, Quendel or galangal, enriched. Children especially like the broth when refined with fennel honey. Already the holy Hildegard von Bingen attributed to the spelled broth the healing effect of an "inward, healthy ointment".

In case of diarrhea, simple dietary adjustments can have a far-reaching effect. (Image: Voyagerix /

Oatmeal can have a calming effect on the stomach and intestines, whereby easily digestible enamel flakes are used. Take two tablespoons of wholesome oatmeal soup and add a quarter of a gallon of cold water, such as salt or a teaspoon of vegetable broth. The porridge is heated and boiled until the ingredients are thickened.

Naturopathy and home remedies for abdominal pain and diarrhea

The causes of abdominal pain and diarrhea are very diverse. The naturopath Isolde Schilling explains the causes and experience-therapeutic home remedies of naturopathy on ...

The old familiar home remedies coke and pretzel sticks are, however, not recommended. While the savory biscuits do not usually harm, the body primarily absorbs a large amount of sodium, although in liquid stool it also contains other salts such as sodium chloride. Potassium needed. The high percentage of sugar in the cola can lead to an increased excretion of water through the kidneys, which may cause the patient to lose even more water and electrolytes than they already do. The contained caffeine stimulates the kidney activity and thus ensures that even more potassium is eliminated. Since children are more sensitive to the loss of fluid and minerals than adults, the combination of cola and pretzel sticks is particularly unsuitable for small patients.

Lost minerals can instead be balanced with an electrolyte solution. Prepare a drink of one liter of boiled water and a teaspoon of salt to ensure the sodium supply. In addition, the juice of four oranges for the potassium intake and seven teaspoons of glucose (glucose) are added so that the body gets energy and can absorb the electrolytes from the mixture better. Alternatively, you can obtain special preparations in the pharmacy to balance the electrolyte balance.

Once the stool has become firmer again, you can use mashed bananas, carrot soup (made from carrots and vegetable broth), rusks and grated apples (depending on your preference). However, the latter should not be eaten in too much (up to three per day) to avoid renewed problems due to the high fructose. Over potatoes, broth cooked rice and steamed vegetables (such as parsnips, squash, zucchini) you can gradually go back to normal food.

Grated apples are among the most effective home remedies for diarrhea. They contain special dietary fibers (pectins) that swell in the intestine and bind excess water there. (Image: al62 /

In general, should be waived as part of the diet on milk and dairy products, because they contain a lot of fat. Often, the lactose lactose can not be properly digested, resulting in an increase in the symptoms. It is recommended to delete all foods that unnecessarily stress the intestine, such as spicy dishes with chili, fast food, fried as well as greasy and difficult digestible foods (pizza, fries etc.). Coffee and alcohol should be taboo in case of diarrhea, as these increase the frequency and volume of the thin stool.

Proven home remedy: herbal tea with a fluid bowel movement

In order to compensate for the loss of water and mineral salts due to the diarrhea, especially sufficient drinking is very important. Therefore, be sure to absorb more fluid than usual (three to four liters a day) to avoid dehydration of the body. This is especially true for the elderly and children, as these show rapid signs of internal dehydration such as Exhaustion, headache and difficulty concentrating show. Unsuitable herbal teas, such as peppermint, fennel or chamomile tea, are particularly suitable - in addition to broth and still mineral water.

The blueberry is effective against diarrhea and should seal the intestinal mucosa. As a home remedy, it has always been given as a tea. Two to three tablespoons dried Blueberries are added cold in a quarter liter of water and brought to a boil. After ten minutes of further simmering, the tea is ready and can be passed through a sieve. Several times a day a cup of this tea preparation can help children and adults to overcome the diarrhea quickly. Attention: Already at grandmother's time it was known that fresh blueberries have a laxative effect. The tea should therefore be made only with dried berries!

Schüßler salts for diarrhea

Schüssler salts have now secured a permanent place in many medicine pharmacies. In case of diarrhea, a combination of no, Ferrum phosphoricum and No. 4, Potassium chlorate recommended. Right at the beginning of the discomfort you should take these (in the potency D6) alternately every fifteen minutes by slowly melting one tablet each in your mouth. If you can not tolerate the lactose, which is often used as a carrier, ask for drops or globules, which are also available in the pharmacy.

Help with diarrhea caused by healing earth and heat

Many naturopaths recommend healing clay for the self-treatment of diarrhea. This is a powder of glacial loess deposits, which consists of various minerals and trace elements. Healing earth, like a sponge, can take up and bind bacteria, pollutants and toxins, which are then eliminated from the intestine with the stool. This allows the intestinal flora in a mild and natural way to be rebalanced. Another benefit of the natural product is that it releases vital minerals and trace elements such as silicon and magnesium, thereby helping to rebalance the body's electrolyte balance.

For the application, one to two teaspoons are stirred into 250 milliliters of water. Drink a glass of healing water two to three times a day in small sips. If the symptoms do not improve after three days, you should consult a doctor as a precaution. Caution is advised in renal dysfunction and suspected intestinal obstruction: In these cases, it is essential to do without healing clay, because their ability to bind fluid can have very serious consequences here.

Natural treatment with healing earth: The fine powder has proven itself in many cases with a fluid bowel movement. (Image: PhotoSG /

Often, unpleasant abdominal pain or cramps occur parallel to the liquid stool. Then heat can be very helpful and beneficial, because it relaxes the stomach and relieves the pain. Above all, the hot water bottle or a grain pillow have proven to be useful, as are potato wraps as an old home remedy for stomach cramps. For this, the potatoes are cooked with shell, then crushed and placed on a cloth made of cotton or linen. This is wrapped into a packet and placed on the painful area.

Colon build-up after surviving diarrhea

Once the digestion has returned to normal, the intestine can be fortified with raw sauerkraut or pot-based bread drink, depending on its compatibility, since the lactic acid bacteria that are contained allow the intestinal flora to regenerate more quickly. Alternatively, lactose, which is available as a powder, can be stirred into chamomile tea and drunk. If digestive disorders persist after acute diarrhea, it is better to contact a natural health practitioner who can (additionally) treat the colonization of the intestinal flora with medication. (updated July 21, 2016; jvs, nr)