Muscles, ligaments and tendons

Muscles, ligaments and tendons /
The cooperation of muscles, tendons and ligaments first make our rigid skeleton a musculoskeletal system. Each muscle is connected by tendons to the corresponding bones that are to be moved. The individual bones are in turn connected by joints that are protected, stabilized and moved by ligaments.

The contraction of a muscle produces a force that is transmitted to the bone via the tendons, triggering the corresponding movement. The bands ensure that the joints are stable and can only move within a certain radius. They are only slightly elastic and can overstretch or even break if overloaded.

Tendons consist of very stable collagen fibers and must be able to withstand high tension forces. In some parts of the body, they are additionally protected by a tendon sheath. This fluid-filled sheath reduces the strong friction between tendon and bone. Unilateral or excessive stress can cause painful tendinitis, which can become chronic if left untreated. (Vb)

Muscles, ligaments and tendons

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