
lung /
The lung (Latin Pulmo) is the heart of the respiratory system of humans. It supplies vital blood to the bloodstream through inhalation and discards spent air via exhalation. Oxygen is needed in the body to extract energy from nutrients. This creates the waste product carbon dioxide, which is removed during exhalation.

The lungs, along with the larynx, trachea and bronchi, are part of the lower respiratory tract. It contains about 300 million alveoli. Only thanks to this enormous number is it possible for the respiratory organ to supply the entire body with oxygen. Via the trachea the inhaled air enters the bronchial system of the left and right lung. Here the bronchi branch out like a tree from the main trunk into an ever smaller and finer branch. In this way as many alveoli can be supplied with air.

The alveoli can be compared with small balloons, which are blown up when inhaled and relax again when exhaling. When the alveoli are filled with air, they immediately begin to exchange gas with the blood. Here, the oxygen contained in the air is transferred to small-branched blood vessels (capillaries) via the so-called "blood-air barrier". In exchange, the blood transfers the unusable carbon dioxide to the alveoli.

At rest, we breathe in and out about 10 to 15 times per minute. In this way we absorb about six to nine liters of air. With physical activity, depending on the intensity of the need to increase to 50 to 100 liters per minute. The oxygen demand is controlled via the respiratory center in the brain, which uses specific receptors to monitor the current oxygen and carbon dioxide levels in the blood. (Vb)


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