Fungal infections (mycoses) - symptoms, causes and treatment

Fungal infections (mycoses) - symptoms, causes and treatment / Diseases
Fungal infections are common in humans, but not always immediately recognizable. Because while the symptoms of nail or skin areas are clearly visible, fungi inside the body can lead to a variety of diffuse complaints and illnesses ranging from supposedly harmless indigestion to an increased risk of cancer. Here are the most important things in brief:

  • There are many fungi and bacteria on our skin that we normally do not notice.
  • On the other hand, a pathological fungal attack, the so-called mycosis, causes a wide variety of complaints and should be examined and treated.
  • There are superficial mycoses (for example nail fungus) and systemic mycoses (internal infestation).


  • causes
  • symptoms
  • skin fungi
  • Yeasts love mucous membranes
  • Mold is mostly inhaled
  • diagnosis
  • Treatment of fungal infection
  • Naturopathy in fungal infections
  • prevention


The intact immune system and a well-populated intestinal flora succeed without difficulty to break down invading fungal cells or to prevent overgrowth by (anyway) existing in the body populations. However, if the immune system is weakened by, for example, lack of nutrition (hyperacidity), previous illnesses, stress, hormonal changes or frequent ingestion of medications (especially antibiotics), the fungi can spread unhindered.

Superficial fungal infection is usually clearly visible. But there are also systemic mycoses (infestation of internal organs). (Image: toscana /


Naturally, increased levels of yeast in the gut are also discussed as a protective response of the body to heavy metal contamination. If the fungi belong to a pathogenic, ie disease-causing, form and the fungal infection leads to a disease, it is called a mycosis. There are three groups of fungi that colonize different areas of the body and thereby cause certain mycoses.

skin fungi

Skin fungi (especially the Trichophyton genus) cause weeping inflammation in light and air poor body zones. They are found mainly between the toes and fingers, in the armpits, in the groin area and on the female breast. It can form scaly, reddened areas that are accompanied by more or less intense itching. We then speak of athlete's foot, skin fungus or hair fungus. For prevention, wearing flip-flops in public swimming pools and natural fiber clothing is recommended. Also important is a proper diet or a diet change (excess diet).

Yeasts love mucous membranes

Yeast fungi (especially of the Candida genus) preferably colonize the moist mucous membranes of the digestive and genital tract, namely the mouth, throat, gastrointestinal tract and the vaginal mucosa. In fungal infection of the digestive tract with yeasts (candidiasis), especially in intestinal fungi, it may cause indigestion with diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pain, flatulence, the typical cravings for sweet or Afterjucken. Often, however, nonspecific symptoms emerge that are associated late with mycosis.

In the mouth, the infection is referred to as thrush and shows up as a whitish coating on cheek mucosa and on the tongue. Some of them also complain about a burning sensation. Sheath fungus is characterized by burning and itching, redness, swelling, whitish lining of the mucous membranes and discomfort when urinating (stranguria) noticeable. Yogurt, vitamin-rich foods and the absence of sugar and white flour have a positive effect. Other home remedies for candida promise relief.

Mold is mostly inhaled

The spores of mold fungi (especially the Aspergillus genus) usually get into the lungs via the respiratory system. Under certain circumstances, an aspergilloma, a form of aspergillosis, may be present in existing lung cavities. Often there are no symptoms at the beginning, later coughing and shortness of breath can occur. In people with severe immunodeficiency, Aspergillus pneumonia may occur, which is similar to the symptoms of fever and coughing without sputum of bacterial pneumonia. Molds also colonize the central nervous system and the entire digestive tract, which is why they are sometimes found in stool samples.

But the heart, liver, skin, thyroid and (rarely) the spleen may be affected by aspergillosis. Today, the metabolic products of mold fungi are proven to be pathogenic and even carcinogenic after animal liver cancer has been provoked in rats.

If molds are inhaled, a so-called aspergilloma may occur, for example, when the fungi settle in lung cavities. (Image: Kateryna_Kon /

We increase the risk of fungal infections by inadvertently creating opportunities for them to colonize our lives, for example by wearing synthetic clothing, one-sided diets high in sugar intake, repeated antibiotics and close coexistence with pets, which are a common source of infection. Indoor plants, uncovered rubbish bins and non-ventilated living rooms provide a preferred habitat for mold fungi in particular.


Since the symptoms caused by a fungal infection are inconsistent and may also underlie another disease, the diagnosis "fungal infection" should never be made on the basis of the symptoms alone. If, due to the symptoms, there is a suspicion of mycosis, and this becomes corroborated by further diagnostic methods (for example, dark field microscopy), a specifying laboratory test is usually also sought.

Most naturopaths work with specialized laboratories that offer comprehensive diagnostics to detect various fungal infections. Here, skin, nail, hair or stool samples are examined for the occurrence of fungi and their genus is determined. Following this, the appropriate, naturopathic therapy can be done.

Treatment of fungal infection

In conventional medicine, fungal infections are treated with antimycotics such as nystatin. The bacteria-derived drug acts locally against fungi of the Candida genus and can be used both externally (in the form of ointments), as well as be taken. It adheres to the membrane of the fungal cells and disturbs their metabolism, so that they die off. Nystatin may even be taken by pregnant women, since the intestinal wall (or the skin) does not absorb the drug and thus it acts purposefully and exclusively locally.

In systemic mycoses medications are prescribed that also work internally (for example fluconazole). The antifungal drug, which works against a wide range of fungal species, both internal and external, can be taken by adults and children. However, according to a report from the FDA, long-term use of higher doses during pregnancy should be linked to malformations in children.

Nystatin can be taken in the form of suspensions or tablets, but can also be used externally as an ointment. (Image: ghazii /

Naturopathy in fungal infections

Since the emergence of a fungal infection is often based on a wrong diet, the naturopathic treatment is a major focus. Preventive and therapeutic, for example, it is recommended to avoid sugar and white flour as possible. For example, coconut oil, oregano oil, garlic, horseradish and cress are called positive.


A basic and balanced diet is the basis for an intact immune defense. Conscious personal hygiene (no aggressive detergents, not too long and hot showering), airy and loose clothing made of natural fibers and simple powder between the toes can prevent the development of skin fungus. In addition, strengthen your immune system with regular exercise and ensure adequate hydration. Stress is known to affect the immune system, and relaxation exercises such as yoga or meditation can help. (jvs, mb, updated 22/11/2018)