Diseases - Page 17

Corneal inflammation of the eyes (keratitis)

Inflammation of the cornea - keratitis Corneal inflammation (keratitis) is known as inflammation of the cornea (cornea) in the eye...

Hollow Cross - causes, therapy and exercises

In a so-called hollow back (hyperlordosis) is a malposition, which is characterized by an excessive curvature of the lumbar spine...

Testicular cancer - causes and signs

testicular cancer Testicular cancer is a malignant tumor that is relatively rare, accounting for less than two percent of all...

Testicular fracture - recognition and treatment

The testicular fracture is a complaint, which is evident in the male genital area, but its causes are usually outside...

Histamine intolerance symptoms and treatment

In the case of histamine intolerance or histamine intolerance, the ratio between the accumulating histamine and its degradation is disturbed....

Histamine Allergy - Causes, Symptoms and Therapy

Histamine intolerance signs, causes and treatmentIf you suffer from histamine allergy, a balanced diet can be a challenge. Because any...

Brain Research - Neuroscience or Brainwashing?

The neurosciences (brain research) explore how the brain works. Their findings have in recent years provided significant impetus for the...

Cerebral Hemorrhage - Causes, Symptoms and Therapy

Dangerous bleeding in the brain In cerebral hemorrhage, hemorrhages occur in the brain or its enveloping structures. This can lead...

Corns - definition, development and treatment

Corns are horny calluses whose spur is directed inward. As they proliferate, they hurt. These skin cones, also called crow's...