Diseases - Page 16

Kleptomania - Causes, Symptoms and Therapy

Kleptomania is an addiction to steal, or more precisely, to steal things that people do not need and that have...

Laryngitis - Laryngitis

Laryngeal catarrh - Inflammation of the laryngeal mucosa If you suffer from hoarseness, constant throat clearing, and a lump in...

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Pain and discomfort on the palm, sometimes radiating far up the arm, are often due to a carpal tunnel syndrome....

Intercostal neuralgia - causes, symptoms and therapy

Nerve pain between the ribs In most cases, the intercostal neuralgia is the result of nerve irritation of an intercostal...

Insect bite allergy - causes, symptoms, treatment

Insect bites mean danger to some people with allergies In an insect sting allergy sufferers react with an allergic hypersensitivity...

Pulse Disorders (Pulse Control Disorder) - Causes, Symptoms and Therapy

Gambling Addiction, Pyromania, Kleptomania, Trichotillomania, DermatillomaniaImpulse disorders, also known as "impulse control disorders" or "impulse control disorders", refer to an...

Vaccination - Vaccination against infectious diseases

Vaccination means to protect a living being from a disease through a vaccine. The vaccine activates the immune system -...

Cervical spine syndrome Common causes, symptoms and treatment

Cervical spine syndrome - development and therapyThe so-called "cervical spine syndrome", or "cervical spine syndrome" for short, is not only...

Horncup, Horncup - Causes, Symptoms and Removal

Warts like the penisThe term "horn tip", occasionally "horn tip" (lat. Hirsuties papillaris penis or hirsuties papillaris coronae glandis), wart-like...