ruptured spleen

ruptured spleen / Diseases

A splenic rupture is the rupture of the spleen (splitting of the spleen), which is usually caused by an accident with a strong impact on the region and can cause severe abdominal pain.


ruptured spleen
Discomfort, symptoms


Splenic rupture, rupture of the spleen, ruptured spleen, splenic rupture.


Actually, the spleen is well protected under the left costal arch. This means that for a crack of the organ already a massive force must be applied, such as by a car accident or a fall in which the bicycle handlebar or other object is rammed into the left side.

A splenic tear immediately requires emergency medical care

Complaints and Symptoms Milzriss

A splenic tear is an acute emergency requiring immediate medical attention. The tear can cause a lot of blood to enter the abdominal cavity, which can lead to acute abdominal pain with strong abdominal tension and pain in the whole or left upper abdomen (abdominal pain), which may also radiate to the left shoulder. If the infiltration of blood is slow, it may remain asymptomatic for a long time. And then, from a certain critical amount of blood loss, involvement of the brain can lead to common symptoms such as dizziness, headache, blurred vision, confusion, and more. (Thorsten Fischer, Naturopath Osteopathy)

Proof: Dieter Schütz /