Gastritis - Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Gastritis - Symptoms, Causes and Treatment / Diseases
Inflammation of the stomach - These are the therapies and causes
Gastritis, medically gastritis, is generally an inflammation of the gastric mucosa. This can be acute or chronic and have different causes. The following are treatment options, causes and symptoms of gastric inflammation.


  • The gastric mucosa
  • Type A gastritis
  • Excess of stomach acid
  • anemia
  • Type B gastritis
  • diagnosis
  • Type C gastritis
  • Inflammation of the gastric mucosa due to alcoholism
  • Symptoms of acute gastritis
  • Possible consequences
  • regeneration
  • Home remedies for gastritis
  • Chronic gastritis - The hidden disease
  • Treatment for inflammation in the stomach
  • Prevent stomach inflammation

The gastric mucosa

The gastric mucosa is a necessary protective layer in the inner wall of the stomach. It keeps pathogens around even small foreign bodies and produces enzymes and stomach acid necessary for digestion. Gastric acid is always a double-edged sword. She has to be aggressive in order to digest food. However, if the inner lining of the stomach is damaged, the acid hits its own body with force. The gastric mucosa becomes inflamed.

The gastric mucosa usually protects the stomach from the aggressive stomach acid. But if the protective layer is damaged or irritated, acute gastritis can result. (Image: lom123 /

Type A gastritis

Type A gastritis is a disease of the autoimmune system whose cause has not been fully explored. Here antibodies of the own body attack the cells in the stomach, which produce the acid. Such inflammation is rare, only every 20th Inflammation of the gastric mucosa is one of them.

Excess of stomach acid

By cell death, the pH in the stomach increases, and thereby increases the amount of gastrin. This peptide hormone of the gastrointestinal tract promotes the production of stomach acid and stimulates the stomach to empty itself. It drives the production of histamine, which in turn triggers the production of hydrochloric acid. In the pancreas, gastrin stimulates the release of insulin, glucagon and somatostatin.

The peptide hormone is produced in the G cells in the antrum of the stomach and reaches the "place of use" via the blood. Sometimes tumors also produce gastrin. These are called gastrinomas, put in place an increased production of stomach acid and lead to stomach ulcers. However, this so-called Zollinger-Ellison syndrome does not fall into the narrow sense of stomach inflammation.


Increased levels of gastrin may cause vitamin B12 deficiency, causing anemia. It is promoted by gastric distension, by proteins, peptides and amino acids, by a stimulus to the vagus nerve, by alcohol, nicotine and acetylcholine, but also by parathyroid tumors, which are often associated with gastrinomas.

Type B gastritis

Far more common is type B gastritis. This is an infection with bacteria. Responsible is the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. People absorb these bacteria by mouth, and in the stomach, they spread from the entrance to the exit of the stomach. In the stomach, it causes ulcers, and these in turn often develop into stomach cancer.

Type B gastritis is the most common form of chronic gastritis. It is usually triggered by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. (Image: psdesign1 /


When patients suffer from frequent or chronic gastric complaints, it is recommended to have a gastroscopy, in conjunction with a mirroring of the duodenum. The bacteria can be identified in a tissue sample. Helicobacter can also be detected by a breath test today, so that eliminates the many people unpleasant reflection. Antigens against the bacteria in the feces are also an indication.

Type C gastritis

These inflammations are caused by chemical influences. For example, an excess of bile is possible after a reduction of the stomach. Medications such as dicloflenac, aspirin and ibuprofen can cause the mucus layer in the stomach to wane. One in ten who suffer from gastritis is one of these type C patients.

In the broader sense to chemically induced gastritis entails poisoning by food, smoking, corrosive substances, but especially alcohol abuse. Alcoholism can lead to stomach ulcers.

Inflammation of the gastric mucosa due to alcoholism

In the stomach, massive intake of alcohol injures the gastric mucous membranes, the stomach can no longer exercise its functions, neither take up nor absorb the food; he rejects food, and those affected vomit.

The acidified gastric contents can cause cracks in the mucous membrane, especially in the stomach. These lead to heavy bleeding with vomiting. Gastric acid, which enters the mouth, attacks the enamel, resulting in losses of potassium.

Typical signs of gastric inflammation are an uncomfortable feeling of pressure and sometimes severe pain in the upper abdomen. (Image: Prostock-studio /

Symptoms of acute gastritis

Acute gastritis usually manifests itself as a sudden onset of severe stomach pain, gastric pressure, and / or upper abdominal pain. However, these are nonspecific symptoms, which can also have a lot of other causes, especially because the pain is also noticeable behind the sternum. But this is typical for heart problems.

Other symptoms, however, add to the "circle of suspects": black bowels, vomiting blood and anemia. These are accompanied by other nonspecific symptoms such as loss of appetite, nausea, watery diarrhea and bloodless vomiting.

The excess of stomach acid can cause heartburn, sour eructation or an acidic taste in the mouth.

Possible consequences

Gastritis is bad enough, but it can have even worse consequences. In type A, the most problematic development is the gastric tumor. Less dramatic, but also serious, is iron deficiency and associated anemia in type B, which can also grow into gastric carcinoma. Type C causes complications due to stomach bleeding and discomfort.


An acute inflammation of the gastric mucosa usually regenerates itself if we feed ourselves gently and do without stimuli such as alcohol, coffee or cigarettes. These stimulants promote the production of stomach acid.

Home remedies for gastritis

In case of gastritis, ie an inflammation of the hollow organ, which utilizes the food, home remedies help with stomach pain. These include teas with cumin, lemon balm, chamomile, fennel or anise. Light food like oatmeal is announced.

Chamomile tea soothes the affected gastric mucosa. (Image: George Dolgikh /

Chronic gastritis - The hidden disease

Chronic inflammation of the gastric mucosa is the most common disease of older people in Germany at all. Estimates assume that up to 50% of all people over 50 years of age in Germany are affected.

The disease often goes undetected. For a long time there are no symptoms. If they then appear, abdominal pain in the upper abdomen can also point to other complaints. There is also unwanted burping, a general sense of discomfort, uncontrolled flatulence, a feeling of fullness after eating and heartburn.

Treatment for inflammation in the stomach

Type A gastritis is first treated by the doctor with antacids that neutralize stomach acid and proton pump inhibitors that block the production of stomach acid. The chronically ill have to take vitamin B12.

Helicobacter pylori can be destroyed with antibiotics and proton pump inhibitors in a week to over 90%. Recently, however, it is recommended to extend the therapy to two weeks.

Type C is the best way to get a grip on people who do not get rid of the harmful substances. In addition, acid blockers help.

Prevent stomach inflammation

Gastritis is very good for preventing. Reduce luxuries such as coffee, cigarettes and alcohol and save on heavy fat foods. Take less salt. Vitamin C should be one of the daily meals, the easiest way to do this is through all citrus fruits, apples, redcurrants, blackberries, blueberries, apples and kale. (Dr. Utz Anhalt)
Specialist supervision: Barbara Schindewolf-Lensch (doctor)