Listeriosis - Causes, Symptoms and Therapy

Listeriosis - Causes, Symptoms and Therapy / Diseases
In a weak immune system can be triggered by a bacterium of the genus Listeria a listeriosis. The cause is mostly contaminated food and the infectious disease can be transmitted from animal to human. It belongs to the notifiable diseases.


  • Listeria bacteria in animal products
  • risk groups
  • Pregnant women as a special risk group
  • No clear symptoms
  • treatment
  • Prevention means eating properly

Listeria bacteria in animal products

In agriculture, listeria can be found in many areas. They occur in animal feed and in feces and can get into the end products via food product production. Especially in

  • raw meat,
  • raw milk,
  • soft cheese,
  • Cheese rind and
  • smoked fish,
  • but also in salads and vegetables, when they have been fertilized with livestock manure,

Listeria may be included.

Soft cheese, but also the bark of cheese can be contaminated with the responsible for listeriosis bacteria of the genus Listeria. (Image: pilipphoto /

Especially in the soil and in the wastewater or in contaminated water, as well as in feed and, as already mentioned, in food Listeria occur. So you can theoretically infect any fruit and vegetables, except for carrots, tomatoes and apples, because the rod bacteria can not hold well on them.

In the refrigerator, they can multiply even at low temperature. Since they do not lead to spoiling the food, the infestation with the listeriosis-causing bacterium Listeria monozytogenes can not be detected.

risk groups

In particular, people whose immune system is weakened are susceptible to listeriosis, including

  • older people,
  • pregnant woman,
  • HIV patients,
  • Alcoholics and
  • diabetic.

Especially pregnant women and people with a diagnosed immunodeficiency should avoid raw foods.

In Germany, an average of 400 people suffer from listeriosis each year, including around 200 pregnant women. Sometimes, in institutions such as kindergartens or nursing homes, food that is infested with listeriosis-inducing rod-shaped bacteria causes significant accumulation of Listeriosis, but that is rather the exception.

Pregnant women as a special risk group

Because the immune system changes during pregnancy, pregnant women are at risk of people at risk of listeriosis. Therefore, pregnant women are advised not to consume raw food and cheese, let alone consume raw meat or fish products. Since listeriosis rodent bacteria can be transmitted to the unborn child via the placenta, medical treatment is strongly advised in cases of suspected listeriosis. In the worst case, this can lead to a miscarriage or even stillbirth. Also in a newborn, listeriosis can lead to serious illness or death.

No clear symptoms

The pathogens are found in the diagnosis mostly in the liver, the tonsils or in the digestive tract. Insofar as one does not belong to one of the risk groups, the pathogen is usually eliminated with the defecation. The pathogen can then exist in the gastrointestinal tract and cause no obvious discomfort. The symptoms may be similar to those of the flu and skin contact with contaminated foods may cause pustules to react on the skin. Diarrhea and vomiting can also be added to the symptoms. Recent studies have shown that fever and allergic reactions can also occur in people with intact immune systems after the ingestion of Listeriosebakterien. These symptoms last for about two days. The bacteria are eliminated with the bowels over a period of several months. Therefore, in the case of a listeriosis hygiene in the sanitary area is of particular importance.

In people with a very weakened immune system, listeriosis can lead to dangerous sequelae such as meningitis or blood poisoning.

Listeriosis is triggered by rod-shaped bacteria of the genus Listeria (Image: Sagittaria /


If the doctor diagnoses listeriosis by examining the spinal cord fluid, a smear from the nose, a stool or blood sample, a two-week course of antibiotics must be initiated. The relatively long period of time is necessary for all listeria in the body to be killed.

Prevention means eating properly

People who have a weakened immune system due to age, illness, or pregnancy should avoid foods that may be contaminated with Listeria. Salads should be thoroughly washed and food, if possible, heated to at least 45 ° C, as listeria are only viable at temperatures between -4 ° and + 45 ° C. With suitable foods, deep freezing can help kill Listeria.

In order to avoid contagion, particular attention should be paid during the infection time on Hygine. (fp, ok, updated on 14.05.2018)
Specialist supervision: Barbara Schindewolf-Lensch (doctor)