Bone marrow

Bone marrow / Diseases

Edema on the bone marrow

The real causes of bone marrow edema do not seem to be fully understood yet, but it is seen as a trigger for pain when discovered by imaging techniques.

Bone marrow
Symptoms of bone marrow edema


Bone marrow edema, bone edema, bone marrow edema, bone marrow edema, bone edema, bone tissue edema, bone marrow edema, medulla ossium edema, transient osteoporosis, bone marrow swelling, bone oedema, bone marrow edema syndrome, BMEs, transient osteoporosis.

Bone marrow edema is diagnosed using modern imaging techniques

Symptoms of bone marrow edema

Of course, the localization of bone marrow edema plays a role in the symptoms. Frequently, bone marrow edema is found on the leg bones. Bone marrow edema is most commonly reported on the femur, knee and foot. Affected persons express pain, then hip pain, knee pain and foot pain under stress, and fractures may occur. The pain often occurs acutely and there is more often a tenderness of the affected areas and visible swelling. This, and the fact that people with bone marrow edema move and strain less, it comes to the appearance of stiffness.

Causes of bone marrow edema

Presumed are factors that may favor a bone marrow edema such as diabetes, lipid metabolism disorders or circulatory disorders. Bone marrow edema may be a first stage of manifestations such as femoral head necrosis and fatigue fractures of the foot bones. Conversely, it may also be a consequence of ankle injuries, ankle sprains, ligament tears on the ankle, or knee problems. (Tf)

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