Breakthrough of the gallbladder

Breakthrough of the gallbladder / Diseases


A breakthrough of the gallbladder with bile leakage is also referred to as gallbladder perforation. It can run free or covered, lead to severe pain and life-threatening condition.

Breakthrough of the gallbladder
Causes and origin


Gallenperforation; Gallbladder breakthrough; Breakthrough of the gallbladder.

Breakthrough of the gallbladder must be treated surgically

Causes and origin

Affected is the usually pre-damaged gallbladder, whose organ wall has been altered by gallstones, acute or chronic inflammation (cholecystitis) and has become brittle (so-called porcelain gallbladder)..


In the free gallbladder perforation The bile from the gallbladder passes into the free abdominal cavity, which in turn i.d.R. leads to peritonitis with acute abdomen.

At a covered gallbladder perforation, which occurs much more often, caused by the inflammation adhesions in the area of ​​the peritoneum, it develop delimited pus centers (abscesses). Only rarely does the gallbladder penetrate adjacent hollow organs or the peritoneum. The gallbladder perforation is associated with severe abdominal pain, which radiate mainly from the right upper abdomen to the shoulders. In addition, there are many times nausea and vomiting.


The therapy consists in the surgical removal of the gall bladder due to the high-acutely and life-threatening condition. (Dipl.Päd. Jeanette Viñals Stein, non-medical practitioner)

Proof: Martin Büdenbender