
Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas that can be acute or chronic and in many cases is caused by existing gallstones or alcohol abuse. In severe cases, acute pancreatitis is life-threatening, while chronic pancreatitis can lead to loss of glandular function with indigestion and diabetes.
Conventional treatment
Treatment in Naturopathy
Cause of the acute pancreatitis is often a backwater of digestive juices, if blocked by stones in the gallbladder or biliary tract, the drain. Alcohol excesses also trigger acute pancreatitis. In addition, trauma (shocks, bumps), medication, viral or bacterial infections may be responsible for the disease. However, in about 25% of cases, the actual cause remains unclear. As the main cause for the development of a chronic pancreatitis Conventionally, a constant alcohol abuse applies.

In natural medicine, disorders of the intestinal mucosa are always considered in diseases of the pancreas, where precursors of enzymes for activating the pancreas are formed. Often there are intestinal allergies, intestinal dysbiosis and Leaky Gut syndrome, which lead to the decline of the intestinal mucosa. If debilitating strains such as alcohol abuse, bacterial or viral stress and backflow of the digestive enzymes are added, pancreatitis is paved the way.
The acute pancreatitis can take a life-threatening course. It is caused by self-digestion of the pancreas by its own digestive enzymes and is typically associated with severe abdominal pain that radiate from the upper abdomen in the back (back pain). There are also nausea and vomiting, bloating and signs of intestinal paralysis (paralytic ileus). Vegetative symptoms such as paleness, dizziness and cold sweat indicate a threat of circulatory shock. As a complication abscesses, cysts and small blood clots may develop, also a peritonitis is possible.
The chronic pancreatitis can run continuously or in batches. Here, too, are belt-shaped upper abdominal pain attacks in the foreground, which persist over a period of hours to days and especially after high-fat food or alcohol consumption occur. Although there is already in the early stages of the disease to heavy weight loss, indigestion and blood sugar derailment show up as further complaints only when about 90% of the pancreas is destroyed, because then both the function of the digestive gland and the insulin production is significantly limited. Complications can occur as in the acute form as cysts and blood clots in the pancreatic tissue.
Conventional treatment
At a acute pancreatitis Cardiovascular functions are mainly observed in the hospital (intensive care unit), infusions are used to supply nutrients and fluids and analgesics, while oral food and fluid intake is stopped. Digestive juices are aspirated to prevent further self-digestion of the pancreas. Sometimes, surgical procedures follow later, e.g. to remove dead tissue remnants. After the hyperacute symptoms have subsided, the diet is gradually built up. Thereafter, the therapy of the underlying disease is in the foreground. A complete healing is possible.
The chronic pancreatitis is a lengthy disease process, but rarely life-threatening. Symptom episodes are similar to those of acute pancreatitis. Then it is switched to low-fat, high-carbohydrate food in small portions. Furthermore, given deficiency, digestive enzymes are administered and the blood sugar level is controlled and, if necessary, compensated for dietary or medicinal (insulin). Complete alcohol abstinence is essential for healing.
Treatment in Naturopathy
Severe or unclear courses should always be monitored and treated conventionally due to the sometimes life-threatening consequences.
In the initial stage and accompanying natural remedies can be used to relieve symptoms and strengthen the pancreas. In addition, the underlying disease (e.g., gallstones) is therapeutically involved. If the causes are not known, acupressure, ear acupuncture, Bach flower therapy and foot reflexology can stimulate self-healing. To combat the infection, for example, propolis tincture is recommended, which is used internally and externally (as a rubbing of the upper abdomen).
Homeopathic treatment is based on the symptoms, there are also numerous finished preparations with effect on the pancreatic function. Light blood sugar derailment can sometimes be compensated phytotherapeutically, e.g. with preparations of wild cranberry leaves, yarrow or bean shells. Backgrounds of existing alcohol dependence can be addressed in naturopathic practice (possibly after a withdrawal cure) with the help of systemic counseling, client-centered talk therapy, solution-oriented hypnosis, psychokinesiology and other alternative methods. (Dipl.-Päd. Jeanette Viñals Stein, non-medical practitioner)
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