
amyloidosis / Diseases

Amyloidosis causes protein deposits in the body. It can affect very different regions or systems in the body. The deposits cause disturbances in the system or organ concerned.

Onset, discomfort and symptoms of amyloidosis
Causes of Amyloidosis


AA amyloidosis, AB amyloidosis, ACys amyloidosis, AE amyloidosis, AGel amylodose, AL amyloidosis, systemic AL amyloidosis, AP amyloidosis, AR amyloidosis, ATTR amyloidosis, TTR amyloidosis, amyloid diseases, transthyretin type - amyloidosis, hereditary amyloidosis, amyloidosis, senile amyloid.

Onset, discomfort and symptoms of amyloidosis

There is no gender difference in amyloidosis diseases. The incidence of a specific form of the disease may increase in old age.

The severity, and with it the symptoms and prognosis, of the disease depend on the localization and severity of the disorder. The amyloidoses are divided into systemic and local. Basically, amyloids can deposit everywhere in the body and sometimes lead to tumor-like structures, the amyloidomas. It is important that the type of amyloid is classified in a diagnosis.

Amyloid disease can be clinically unremarkable to life-threatening and can also cause more severe symptoms and diseases due to amyloid deposits such as heart attacks, kidney failure, bleeding tendencies, enlarged spleen, carpal tunnel syndrome and others. Connections between fasciae and protein deposits are poorly understood.

In Alzheimer's amyloidosis is found in the brain of those affected. (Picture credits: Rike /

Causes of Amyloidosis

Amyloid is a proteinaceous deposit that so far has 25 different forms discovered in the tissue.

Amyloidosis may occur as a consequence or in the context of another disease - e.g. after leprosy, tuberculosis, ankylosing spondylitis, Crohn's disease, Alzheimer's disease, ulcerative colitis, tumors, familial Mediterranean fever or rheumatoid arthritis. Also can be present as a disorder, a non-degradation of certain immune cells (plasma cells) or a liver conversion disorder.

The individual subspecies of amyloid diseases seem to depend on specific precursors and there seem to be local factors. So certain forms appear in Scandinavian countries and others after the onset of diseases with recurrent episodes of fever (Thorsten Fischer, Naturopath Osteopathy)