Burdock Root - Effect and Application

Burdock Root - Effect and Application /

Effect and applications of the Velcro root

The burdock root (Bardanae radix) carries many more names. Examples are Bardane, Butzenklette, Dollkraut, Grindwurz, Haarwuchwurzel, Hedgehog chain, glue root, Klettendistel and Wolfskraut. Previously, the roots of the plant were roasted and made a kind of coffee.

The burdock is at home in Europe, North America and North Asia. It grows in forests and along roadsides. From the root of the plant the "drug", the remedy, is prepared.


  • Effect and applications of the Velcro root
  • ingredients
  • effects
  • External use as burdock root oil
  • hair loss
  • Dry, damaged hair, split ends
  • For healthy eyelashes
  • Psoriasis
  • insect bites
  • Cradle cap
  • The burdock root - application from the inside
  • blend


The burdock root contains, among other things, inulin (soluble fiber), essential oil, mucilages, bitter substances, sulfur-containing substances and caffeic acid derivatives.


The burdock root is considered radical scavenger. It is anti-inflammatory, slightly diuretic and antibacterial. Furthermore, it is considered as stimulating to the liver and bile. Already in ancient Greece, the burdock root was used. Later, Hildegard von Bingen and Pastor Kneipp turned to this plant. She was especially appreciated for her positive effects on hair loss and eczema.

The already mentioned name "Grindwurzel" indicates encrustations. Because the burdock root has a positive effect on encrusted wounds, milk scab, ulcers and psoriasis.

External use as burdock root oil

The burdock root oil has a variety of applications. The oil has a positive effect on hair, skin, eyelashes and eyebrows. On purity and quality is essential.

hair loss

Hair loss can have a variety of causes. If these are unknown and you want to make do with a simple home remedy, then the burdock root oil is the right choice. This is slightly warmed in the evening before going to sleep and massaged into the scalp. A towel is wrapped over it, enhancing the effect and protecting the sheets overnight. The burdock root oil increases blood circulation. This is supposed to stimulate hair growth. Of course, the effect does not begin after a single application. The whole thing should be done at least once a week, over several weeks.

Burdock grow as a native plant, for example, on the edges. The roots of plants are versatile as home remedies. (Image: Hans-Dieter Holtz / fotolia.com)

Dry, damaged hair, split ends

For dry and / or damaged hair and also for split ends, no expensive remedy is necessary - here the burdock root oil performs well. If the hair tips are affected, they are regularly treated with a bit of burdock root oil. For stressed hair and / or dryness, an oil treatment is done once or twice a week. For this, the oil is heated, massaged into the scalp and hair and then a cloth wrapped around it. The oil should act for one to two hours - or overnight. A tip for the subsequent washing: First massage a little shampoo into the hair before the hair is wet. In this way, the oil dissolves better.

For healthy eyelashes

Every woman wants healthy, full and curved eyelashes. However, not everyone wants to resort to a chemical eyelash serum. The burdock root oil is a good, above all healthy and also economical alternative. Every evening a little oil with an eyelash brush applied to the eyelashes, makes them supple, they are nourished and get a nice shine. The oil can also be applied to the eyebrows. These too benefit from it.
It should be remembered that it is important to pay attention to the purity of the oil - especially if it is used around the eyes.

In hair loss, burdock root oil is a good home remedy. (Image: Africa Studio / fotolia.com)


In the natural treatment of psoriasis, burdock root oil has its place. If there are foci on the scalp, the procedure is the same as in the case of hair loss - the oil is slightly warmed, massaged into the scalp and covered overnight with a towel. In the rest of the body, the psoriasis can be rubbed in directly with the oil. Another option is to rub in a large area with the oil, leave it to work for a while, then rinse it off with lukewarm water and gently dab the skin off. Above all, if those affected already have a cortisone treatment behind them, the skin is happy about this care.

insect bites

Insect bites are dabbed with a bit of burdock root oil. This decreases the inflammation and relieves the itching.

Burdock root oil also works against the inflammation of insect bites and relieves the itching. (Image: Dalmatin.o / fotolia.com)

Cradle cap

The appearance of cradle cap reminds a bit of milk, which has settled on the bottom of a pot while cooking. Affected are infants, predominantly in the first two to three months of life. But older infants and toddlers can suffer as well. The greasy, yellowish pieces of skin that occur in milk scab are especially visible on the head. The cause is still relatively unclear. Maybe hormones are the mother of it "guilty". It is argued that children affected by it later tend to eczema or pollen allergy.
To get at the cradle, burdock root oil is a good help. For this, the affected area of ​​the baby is gently rubbed with a few drops of high-quality oil. To protect the bedding a cotton hat is recommended.

The burdock root - application from the inside

The burdock root is used internally, especially in the form of tea. This is used for blood purification, to stimulate liver and gallbladder activity, for rheumatism and gout. He also acts diuretic and detoxifying. For this, a cold batch is necessary: ​​One and a half tablespoons of the root are poured over with half a liter of cold water. This must then take about five hours. Then cook for about a minute and then strain off.

The tea can also be used externally in the form of envelopes. The burdock root has an antibiotic and anti-inflammatory effect. It can help with a variety of skin problems such as eczema, boils, abscesses and even acne. For this, the affected areas are covered with a cloth dipped in burdock tea and this is repeated several times a day. In dandruff and also in seborrhoea (overproduction of skin fats) is dabbed with the tea, the scalp. As already mentioned, the burdock root is also known as a hair restorer. Instead of using oil, the scalp can be regularly massaged with the tea.

With acne the antibacterial effect of the burdock root is used. Freshly brewed, slightly cooled tea is applied with a cotton swab to the affected areas - this is best done twice a day.

Burdock tea is suitable for internal use in various disorders and is often used for detoxification. (Image: deemwave / fotolia.com)


The burdock root is used in natural medicine as part of a detoxification. The following two tea recipes can be used for this.

Tea mixture 1
Mugwort, Gundelrebe, burdock root, goldenrod, dandelion root and chicory root are mixed in equal parts. For a large cup, pour in a teaspoon of about 250 ml of boiling water and straighten after 10 minutes. Dose: 3 cups a day for a period of four to six weeks.

Tea blend 2
This recipe is especially good for liver detoxification and liver strengthening. Nettle, dandelion root, milk thistle and burdock root are mixed in equal parts, a teaspoon of which is brewed with a quarter liter of boiling water and strained after about seven to eight minutes. This tea is also drunk three times a day over a period of four to six weeks. (Sw)