Our sense organs such as eyes, nose, tongue, skin sensors and ears perceive stimuli. Via the nervous system, this information is transmitted to the cerebrum, where the sensory stimuli are processed and the corresponding reaction is initiated. We can control some of these reactions in a targeted way, others can not be influenced.
We have no or very little influence on the reactions of the autonomic nervous system. This controls, for example, the heartbeat, sweating, breathing, circulation, metabolism, digestion, and body temperature. In contrast, the response to most sensory stimuli can be specifically influenced. For example, if the eye sees an obstacle, depending on the situation, it is decided whether to stop, choose another path, pass it, or get it out of the way.
The corresponding action is then carried out by means of the motor nervous system, which coordinates the commands of the brain with the musculature and thus enables the corresponding movement in the environment. In addition to the sensory stimuli, current states of the body are also collected and processed in the cerebrum via the nervous system. The transmission of information takes place via nerve cells, which communicate with each other by means of electrical signals. (Vb)
Nervous system & brain
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