Practice for osteopathy

Practice for osteopathy / Naturopaths

Cologne: practice for osteopathy
Since the year 2000 I work as an osteopath. In 2003, I opened a naturopathic practice focusing on osteopathy. The six-year lecturer position at the IFAO Institute for Applied Osteopathy helps me to take on challenges together with my patient. So every new "case" is a person with his own story and personal complaints. In my practice where also therapists of other directions work I work hpts. Osteopathic. But also other methods like Tuina-chin. Massage, reflexology, kinesio taping, acupuncture massage according to Penzel et al. come to the application.

Practice for osteopathy
Mainzerstr. 58
50678 Cologne
Tel: 0221-382516
Mail: [email protected]