Naturopaths - Page 19

Hemer Naturopath Manfred Droßel

Non-medical practitioner Hemer Non-medical practitioner Manfred Droßel I am pleased to introduce you to my practice. This is focused on...

Heilpraxis Solingen Daoptica

Naturopathic practice: DaopticaOne of my treatment focuses is ophthalmology. In this country, it is hardly known that the ophthalmology of...

Heilpraxis Heilandsweide for psychotherapy

I help you with the help of kinesiology with focus on mental field therapy (knock acupressure) or by coaching for...

Heilpraxis Frank Hellthaler

Alternative practitioner Frank Hellthaler treats adults and children with efficient body-therapeutic and energetic balancing techniques, with targeted health coaching, with...

Heilpraxis for Chinese Medicine and Sports Therapy

Non-medical practitioner Frankfurt Description of Naturopaths Practice: Chinese Medicine: Acupuncture, Acupressure, Herbal Medicine Nutrition Planning & Sports Therapy: individualized health...

Healing practice for counseling and therapy Ulrich Klaus

The healing practice for counseling and therapy, Ulrich Klaus HP, offers the service "hypnosis, repatriation and psychotherapy" in an outpatient,...

Healing practice Antje Findeis

Brunswick: healing practice Antje FindeisFocus of practice: Heilpraxis Findeis is located in the heart of Braunschweig between Theater and Stadtpark....

Naturopathic practice for holistic medicine

DOLOSANUM - Naturopathic practice for holistic medicine and pain therapy His practice focuses on the holistic treatment of acute and...

Non-medical practitioner Yola Pellini

Naturopath Yola Pellini: Practice for Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Traditional European Medicine (TEM) My therapy methods include: ear and...