Non-medical practitioner Yola Pellini

Non-medical practitioner Yola Pellini / Naturopaths

Naturopath Yola Pellini: Practice for Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Traditional European Medicine (TEM) My therapy methods include: ear and body acupuncture, acupuncture 2000, laser acupuncture, acupressure, tuina massage, phytotherapy (= herbal therapy) Chinese and European, orthomolecular Therapy, Bach flower therapy, Schüßler salts, detoxification and excretory procedures, 5 elements of nutritional advice.

In practice, the following health problems are treated, for example: - Chronic pain: (shoulder - neck pain, back pain, knee pain, migraine, tennis elbow, rheumatic complaints) - fatigue, burn-out, fatigue, sleep disorders, lack of concentration, night sweats, - gastrointestinal discomfort, nausea , Diarrhea or constipation - allergies, hay fever, asthma, weakness of the immune system, - skin problems (acne, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, etc.) - dizziness, tinnitus, - menstrual disorders, PMS, menopausal symptoms, fertility treatments - eye problems - hair loss - obesity - Smoker treatment among others If you have further questions about treatments then you can also call me. Further information can be found at: Appointments by telephone agreement or by email contact. I am looking forward to your call.

Non-medical practitioner Yola Pellini
Händelstr. 25-29
50674 Cologne
Tel: 0221 - 204 338 85
Mail: [email protected]