Natural healing practice Shanti yoga school

Natural healing practice Shanti yoga school / Naturopaths

Kröpelin: Naturopathic practice Shanti Yoga School
Boulder hooves 5 a
18236 Kröpelin
Tel: 03829282808
Mail: [email protected]

Main activities of naturopathic practice: As a non-medical practitioner and medical Ayurveda therapist I would like to show you ways to counteract imbalances in body, mind and soul as well as illnesses with the help of the individual Ayurvedic healing art. From a detailed conversation, the first treatments of a very individual therapy, which i.a. from massages, herbal supplements, nutritional advice, psychological counseling, pancakarma (cleansing / detoxification), ayurvedic manual therapies, yoga exercises. Again, the subjective needs of the patient are taken into account, changes in emotionality, life situation u.a. flow into the therapy.