Naturopathic practice Martina Groß-Selbeck

Naturopathic practice Martina Groß-Selbeck / Naturopaths

Naturheilpraxis Martina Groß-Selbeck: Alternative practitioner, naturopathic treatment of allergies, intolerances, metabolic diseases, chron. Diseases, Conversational and Gestalt Therapy, Coaching For me, the body, mind and soul of a human being are inextricably linked to one another, and holistic therapy therefore also requires consideration of these three levels. Naturopathic I work with: - the allergy treatment NAET® - selected diversion procedures - phytotherapy (therapy with plants, extracts of plants, mother tinctures, etc.) - Bach flower therapy - the classical massage - the manual lymphatic drainage etc. Health prevention consisting of: - nutritional counseling - Relaxation training, stress management - physical exercise - dealing with the inner saboteur / pig dog - reducing contact with living toxins and environmental toxins, as far as possible In psychotherapy and coaching I work with: - the talk therapy after C. Rogers - the Gestalt therapy after F. Perls elements „the work“ to Byron Katie and „the way of the artist“ after J. Cameron - dream journeys, meditations visit me on my homepage:

Eisenbahnstr. 58
66117 Saarbruecken
Tel: 0172 7444067
Mail: [email protected]