Naturopathic Hendrik Balzer Frankfurt

Naturopathic Hendrik Balzer Frankfurt / Naturopaths

Classical Homeopathy: Individual constitution therapy, according to Dr. med. Samuel Hahnemann, for the holistic therapy of physical, mental and emotional complaints. Even chronically elevated cholesterol levels or blood pressure levels, for which heavy drug side effects are often taken into account, can often be replaced very quickly by homeopathic herbal medicines. And the dreaded by many women hormone decline in menopause, with its typical side effects, such as. Hot flashes, anxiety attacks, depressive moods, can often regulate without any hormone replacement drugs or psychotropic drugs, specifically. Eye diagnosis: Empirical science that can provide helpful insights into genetic and nutritional metabolic deposits and organ dysfunction at an early stage. Neural therapy: For painful radiations, e.g. In the cervical spine or in the region of the sciatic nerve, the locally applied neural therapy makes it possible to specifically regenerate the respective joint or the affected intervertebral disc. Phytotherapy and Enzyme Therapy: Plant preparations often have excellent biological efficacy, without overly burdening our metabolism with toxins and overdosage. They serve to specifically stimulate our immune system and may detoxify organic disorders or tumorous processes, e.g. by means of special snake enzymes, boost immensely. Chiropractic and Massage: In fact, many acute and chronic pain conditions originate in the spine and can be improved through targeted back massage and chiropractic procedures. In addition to eliminating vertebral blockages and displacements, persistent muscle hardening can be eliminated by targeted massages.

Naturopathic Hendrik Balzer Frankfurt
In the Roman city 236 /
60439 Frankfurt am Main
Tel: 069/576864
Mail: [email protected]