Naturheilpraxis Hannover List - Anne Witt

Naturheilpraxis Hannover List - Anne Witt / Naturopaths

Dear Patient, We work on the basis of holistic naturopathy. It regards man as a unity of body, soul and spirit. A disease always affects the entire organism, in its gross and subtle parts. Derailments in the subtle field of the organism often manifest as physical or mental discomfort and can lead to organic diseases. This energetic disharmony is usually not detectable with conventional medical diagnostics. That's why we specialize in detecting and treating disharmony in the energy field, so that the human being can get well. The diagnostic and therapeutic methods used by us serve health care and the maintenance of health as well as the treatment of existing diseases. Diagnostic techniques we offer include holistic diagnostics, eye diagnosis, dark field analysis and kinesiological testing. Our therapies include colon hydrotherapy, microimmunotherapy, heavy metal excretion, deacidification, ear acupuncture, GAS metabolic program, energetic healing, EMDR and hypnotherapy.

Naturheilpraxis List - naturopath Anne Witt
Drostestrasse 14
30161 Hanover
Tel: 0511 626989
Mail: [email protected]