Naturopathic practice Christine Kornexl-Uhrmann

Naturopathic practice Christine Kornexl-Uhrmann / Naturopaths

Mengkofen: Naturopathic practice Christine Kornexl-Uhrmann
Before the first treatment, I will have a detailed consultation with you. You report your concerns and ask me questions. I inform you about therapy and treatment options. Together we will find the most suitable form for you. In the first session, a detailed survey and in-depth examination will be carried out, the so-called first anamnesis, a kind of stocktaking of your current constitution. This refers to the body, the mind, the social environment, habits / likes / dislikes, disease and vaccination history, life circumstances, emotions. This will give me the necessary information for the diagnosis. From the second session, the actual treatment is started. Sometimes it can come to the so-called first aggravation, but this is a normal process and is often preceded by a comprehensive recovery. The treatments achieve on the basis, the above-mentioned jointly developed anamnesis, physical, mental and mental balance. Let me accompany you on the way to your health and inner harmony! Therapy: Cranio-sacral osteopathy Gentle therapy of the skull (cranium), the spine and the sacrum (sacrum). Calm the nervous system, holistic, deep relaxation. Builds the immune system, relieves chronic pain and illnesses (such as migraine, depression, cardiovascular problems, allergies, ...) spine treatment after Dorn therapy to palpate vertebral displacements and targeted pressure to bring the vertebrae safely into its proper position. Pain and blockages are often corrected immediately. Reiki Over 2000 years old eastern healing method. The Japanese word „Reiki“ means universal life energy.

Feel the healing power and experience your own inner harmony. Hypnosis In the depths of your subconscious and in the past, search for and resolve the causes of your illnesses and blockages. Biochemical healing method according to Dr. med. Schuessler mineral salts in homeopathically potentiated form are administered as a tablet. They compensate for deficiencies of minerals in various tissue structures, organ systems and the whole organism and support the functions of the individual cells, which improves cell metabolism and regulates the acid-base balance. The body is deacidified and the immune system activated. This therapy is used for the prevention and treatment of mood disorders and supports any other conventional medical and naturopathic treatment method. Ear acupuncture The needlestick sets an external stimulus on the ear, which creates a reflexive effect, followed by a reaction of the body, thus blocking and dissolving blockages within the organism. There is also the possibility of stimulating or calming down individual organ systems, of regenerating and healing damaged organ systems that have led to a disease.

How quickly a healing process works depends very much on the particular, individual energy of the individual. This therapy has a stabilizing effect on the entire energy system and thereby supports the regulatory forces of the body. Bach flower therapy The Bach flowers each aim for a special emotional and mental state, so people with the same disease can be treated with different flowers. But you do not have to be ill to benefit from the effect. They make the most valuable contribution by restoring the inner balance before physical symptoms occur. Each of us lives through difficult phases in his life and with the Bach flowers negative emotions should not be suppressed, but be converted into a positive attitude, which in turn activates their own potential and thus promotes self-healing. It can be found for every situation and every man the right Bach-flower mixture, for example, for exam anxiety, sadness, mood swings, etc. Psychotherapy Ausleitungsverfahren and derivational therapies z. Cupping / Cupping Massage, Baunscheidtieren, Neural Therapy (Pain Therapy), Breuß - Massage Mental Training.

Naturopathic practice Christine Kornexl-Uhrmann
At the vineyard 28
Mengkofen / 84152
Tel. 08733/281771
Mail. [email protected]