Non-medical practitioner Leslie Gröpl

Non-medical practitioner Leslie Gröpl / Naturopaths

St. Ingbert: Naturopath Leslie Gröpl
Focus of the practice: My work as a non-medical practitioner is predominantly psychotherapeutic / psychosomatic oriented and also useful in addition to any necessary conventional medical treatments. In my experience, the body is a wonderful interpreter for our soul when we understand its language. I would like to support Se. I work mainly with the gestalt therapy after Fritz Perls and the talk therapy after Carl Rogers, often with accompanying support by the Bach flower therapy of Dr. med. Edward Bach. I offer relaxation courses for children and adults at VHS St. Ingbert.

Non-medical practitioner Leslie Gröpl
St. Fidelis-Str. 11
St. Ingbert / 66386
Mail: [email protected]