Relaxation and conversation therapy Gabriele Bauer

Relaxation and conversation therapy Gabriele Bauer / Naturopaths

Relaxation and conversation therapy Naturopath Gabriele Bauer

The following beliefs underlie my work: Every person is unique I see my task as enabling my clients to look at their own situation from as many different perspectives as possible. Together we discover individual possibilities and suitable strategies for implementation. Cause and Effect Good thoughts become good words and deeds. Inner beliefs create causes for positive effects. Right or wrong? ... does not exist. Everyone has the right to make their own decisions. I am open to every wish, every life plan, every idea and do not value, but support my clients to develop appropriate ways of thinking. Change Every problem involves the opportunity to grow. Desires, ideas and goals change and can become a problem if action and reaction remain the same. New perspectives open up possibilities for new behaviors Healing If desire exists on all levels of consciousness, healing is possible. My aspiration is to work together with my client on a conscious and unconscious level to create a suitable climate to enable the power of healing. Every situation contains valuable hints for a good solution. Due to everyday challenges, stress, pressure and hectic pace, these hints are often overlooked. Relaxation strengthens one's own perception! Improvement, healing, development and joy of life is possible!

Wolfratshauser Str. 50
82067 Ebenhausen
Tel: 08178 867322
[email protected]