Home remedies for colds

Home remedies for colds /

Home remedies for colds and colds

Home remedies for cold may relieve the symptoms. Regardless of whether your nose is clogged or constantly running: Any rhinitis (cold) brings with it unpleasant side effects and sometimes even grows into a persistent sinusitis. So that the rhinitis runs as mildly as possible and without complications, one can resort to simple home remedies from naturopathy and empirical medicine.


  • Home remedies for colds and colds
  • Home remedies reduce colds
  • First aid for the onset of cold: iodine water
  • Eating and drinking with a cold
  • Inhalation and steam baths
  • Important for a cold: Support your immune system!
  • Provide fresh air and good indoor climate
  • Preventive home remedies for colds
  • Other home remedies for the treatment of cold symptoms

Home remedies reduce colds

The medicine cabinet offers numerous remedies for colds. These can noticeably reduce the course with its typical symptoms, but do not shorten its duration. This is also suggested by the vernacular, which states that an untreated cold takes a week, a treated but seven days. Another rule of thumb also includes the time of the decaying runny nose when it says, "Three days is coming. He stands for three days. He goes three days. "If the symptoms do not heal or intensify after this time, or if blood or pus are visible in the handkerchief, then it is advisable to see a doctor. This is to prevent the spread of bacteria and prevent chronic colds.

A good first aid in the onset of cold is the Schüßler salt potassium iodatum. (Image: monropic / fotolia.com)

First aid for the onset of cold: iodine water

An old home remedy for the onset of cold is the drinking of iodine water. At the very first sign of the onset of cold, drink a glass of water followed by a drop of ten percent iodine tincture. The iodine is intended to regulate the fluid balance of the nasal mucous membranes and thus prevent the onset of the cold.

Alternatively, take the Schüssler salt No. 15, Potassium iodate D6 on, which - administered half-hourly - should fulfill the same purpose.

In homeopathy applies Potassium iodatum (Kali-i) as a remedy in colds with ample, watery, and sharp secretions, with aggravation at night and in confined spaces, while fresh air and exercise improve the condition. Self-treatment with iodine should, however, be avoided in the case of known thyroid disease and iodine hypersensitivity. Here you need medical or medical advice!

Eating and drinking with a cold

Runny nose, which has just broken out, should by a Trockendurstkur be influenced favorably. For this purpose, immediately set for 24 hours, the liquid intake and takes as dry as possible, such as rusks or bread to him. In addition, physical activity, e.g. Work and long walks drive the disease out of the body with sweat.

Already fixed cold can be solved by drinking a lot of water and light herbal teas (such as chamomile or elder flower tea). As a result, the mucus is liquefied so that it can drain away unhindered. It is recommended to use broths and soups, which have an internal warming effect and relieve the metabolism, since the organism can devote itself entirely to the self-healing process, instead of digesting fatty and protein-rich meals.

Inhaling frees the nose and counteracts colds. (Image: Martin Christ / fotolia.com)

Inhalation and steam baths

Local applications that can be found in every form of cold are inhalations. An inhalation can be carried out as a steam bath or with a special device with mouth and nose attachment, which is available in pharmacies.

The classic steam bath is done by holding your head over a bowl of boiling water and covering it with a large towel. The rising vapor is inhaled for up to ten minutes. The expectorant effect is enhanced by the addition of one teaspoon of cooking salt or Emser salt, one tablespoon of dried thyme herb or sage leaves. The advantage of this method compared to modern inhalers is the external heat effect on the entire facial area, which makes the use even in congested paranasal sinuses, maxillary and sinus cavities is recommended.

Inhalation is somewhat milder when a twig of spruce, fir or mountain pine in a large pot of water on the stove at the lowest level simmer, with the ethereal steam distributed in the room. The remaining broth can then be used directly as an additive for a full bath or foot bath. Alternatively, a small bowl filled with water and add a drop of essential oil. Especially with children, it is sufficient to put the bowl on the heater or near the heating.

Important for a cold: Support your immune system!

Cold or a cold means a lot of work for your body's defense system. However, you can support it by ensuring that you are well asleep or, in the case of severe discomfort, staying in bed and keeping warm. Because while sleeping, many immune-active substances are released, which strengthen the immune system and increase the chance of a rapid fight against the pathogens. In general, any form of stress should be avoided, as it costs too much energy and weakens the immune system.

The same applies to alcohol and nicotine, since also stimulants have a negative effect on the immune system. Giving up smoking and reducing alcohol consumption are therefore generally very good ways of strengthening one's health.

Especially if you are heavily clogged and / or have elevated temperature, adequate drinking is very important. Experts recommend half a liter of extra fluid at 38 degrees Fever. For higher values, it is advisable to drink an extra liter for each additional degree. It's best to grab water or hot tea.

A walk can be very beneficial for a cold. Because the deep inhalation of fresh air, the mucous membranes are moistened. (Image: Kzenon / fotolia.com)

Provide fresh air and good indoor climate

Make sure that the apartment is regularly ventilated and (especially in the winter months) high humidity. To ensure this, you can simply put water-filled bowls on the heaters or alternatively hang wet towels over them. The evaporation of the water increases the humidity in the room, which prevents the drying out of the mucous membranes. If you are free of fever and feel fit enough, go for a walk at least once a day in the fresh air and take a deep breath.

Foods that boost the immune system are mainly fruits and vegetables in raw rather than cooked form, as it is rich in cell protecting antioxidants. Be sure to eat as "colorful" as possible and to select different colored varieties. Dark products such as e.g. Blueberries, cherries, kale and broccoli have a particularly high content of valuable nutrients. The same applies to nuts (especially almonds), garlic, tomatoes and spinach.

Preventive home remedies for colds

Nasal irrigation is easy to do by sucking liquid from the hand directly into the nostrils. Ten percent saline solutions (saline or Emser salt) or herbal preparations are suitable. Nasal rinses used regularly should not cause colds.

Likewise, rhinitis can be prevented by sucking lozenges with the extract of cistus (e.g., Cystus 052) or gargling as liquid preparations. Especially in the cold season, the active ingredients of the cistus protect the cells of the upper respiratory tract from the invasion of approaching viruses, which are usually responsible for the simple common cold.

Regular nasal rinses can effectively prevent colds. (Dan Race / fotolia.com)

Other home remedies for the treatment of cold symptoms

There are many other measures and remedies from natural medicine that are recommended for self-treatment of colds and colds with symptoms such as cough, hoarseness, fever and sore throat. For example, homemade onion syrup or the famous hot milk with honey can be used to combat coughing.

If the voice is rough and brittle, home remedies for hoarseness such as gargling with chamomile tea. Fever can naturally be reduced by calf wrapping or washes, which is especially good for young children. Quark wrap and sage tea are among the effective home remedies for sore throats. (updated on 27.7.2016; jvs, nr)