Home remedy for irritating cough

Home remedy for irritating cough /
Tickling in the throat, as if a spring in the throat, constant coughing, dry cough - all these are typical complaints when coughing. The most common trigger for this is an incipient cold. But other causes, such as pleurisy, chronic heart failure, pulmonary fibrosis, chronic asthma and side effects of certain medicines (for example, ACE inhibitors) can trigger the symptoms. In the next few lines you will learn which home remedies can help against the annoying dry cough.


  • Most common cause - cold
  • home remedies
  • Various tea recipes
  • Homemade cough syrup
  • reel
  • lozenges
  • Inhale
  • Milk with honey
  • Herbal cough syrups
  • Coughing in the night
  • The walk to the doctor

Most common cause - cold

The most common cause of irritating cough is an incipient cold. Viruses invade the body and then settle in the mucous membranes. Once there, they cause inflammation, which causes a cough in the brain. Since no mucus has formed, so the cough is so dry, it is spoken of a cough. This can be extremely distressing, especially at night. If mucus is added, the irritating cough goes into a so-called productive cough with sputum. In this condition, then some of the home remedies mentioned here are less effective or possibly even contraindicated.

Coughing is often associated with an emerging cold and can be relieved in these cases, usually well with home remedies. (Image: eyeQ / fotolia.com)

home remedies

Especially with a onset of cold home remedies are the right thing to stop the progression. With irritating cough help home remedies such as tea, syrup, lozenges, wraps and much more. In the next lines simple recipes and tips for self-application are presented. However, in case of doubt, urgent medical attention should be sought, as the cough can also be the result of serious illnesses.

Tea blends based on medicinal plants are a particularly effective home remedy for dry cough. (Image: PhotoSG / fotolia.com)

Various tea recipes

Drinking is very important in irritating cough and warm tea, which in addition has the right ingredients, the more so. One or the other tea mixture is also intended for gargling.

Recipe No. 1
Mallow leaves, marshmallow root and sage leaves are mixed in equal parts. Mallow and marshmallow have a soothing effect and the sage is the anti-inflammatory component. One teaspoonful of the mixture is poured over one-quarter liter of boiling water and then drawn for about fifteen minutes. The tea is used to gargle, several times a day.

Recipe No. 2
Another teatime to relieve the irritating cough consists of 10 g of camomile flowers and 20 g Malven leaves and ribwort perennial herb. One tablespoon full is boiled with 250 ml of boiling water and then has to draw for 10 minutes. This tea is also used for gargling.

Recipe No. 3
This irritating cough recipe is intended for drinking, and always swallowing, distributed throughout the day. The mixture consists of 20 g of large-flowered mullein flowers, 20 g of coltsfoot and 10 g of camomile flowers. The Mullein is particularly helpful in irritated mucous membranes in the airways. Coltsfoot and chamomile are soothing and anti-inflammatory. For a large cup (about 250 ml) a heaped teaspoon is needed full. After infusing with boiling water, the tea should be pulled for 8 to 10 minutes and then - distributed throughout the day (three cups a day) - lukewarm, sip by sip.

Recipe No. 4
The following mixture has a calming effect on the irritated mucous membranes. Icelandic moss, mallow flowers and plantain are mixed in equal parts. A heaped teaspoon is poured with a quarter liter of boiling water and then drawn for about 10 minutes. Three cups a day, drunk lukewarm in small sips, the tea can relieve the irritating cough.

A homemade cough syrup from peppermint, sage, ribwort and thyme can be used well against irritating cough. (Image: SENTELLO / fotolia.com)

Homemade cough syrup

A good cough syrup for irritating cough can be made from one tablespoon of peppermint, sage, ribwort and thyme. The whole is boiled together in one liter of water, strained, sweetened with a portion of honey and drunk throughout the day.

When purchased cough syrups fail to work, a homemade onion syrup often helps: An onion is minced, covered with honey and placed in a warm place for a few hours. The resulting juice is quite tasty and can help with both unproductive, dry cough and mucous congestion.


Wraps are one of the ancient home remedies that our grandmothers and great-grandmothers have used. Fortunately, the knowledge of the effect of the wraps has not been completely forgotten and is now being used more and more in the treatment of milder diseases such as colds, coughs, abdominal pain and fever. Wraps are easy to use, the ingredients are usually present in every household and what is most important - these envelopes can be very helpful - so even with dry cough.

Constant coughing stimulus, which does not want to stop, cries for a Quarkwickel. For this, a cotton cloth is spread in the middle of the length of normal Miskquark. The two free sides are to be beat over it. The winding is placed on the heater or another heat source for a short time so that it is not too cold. Then the envelope comes on the chest, a cotton cloth over it and finally a woolen cloth, which is best placed around the chest and back. The wrap can remain on the skin as long as it is tolerated, even overnight. Quark has an anti-inflammatory effect and so relieves the irritating cough.

If you prefer a warm wrap, then the oil wrap is recommended. One hundred milliliters of good, cold - pressed almond, olive or sunflower oil is mixed with five to six drops of high quality essential oil. In case of dry cough, eucalyptus oil, thyme oil, aniseed oil or sage oil are recommended. These oils can also be mixed, but the total number of drops (5 to 6 drops per 100 ml of carrier oil) should not be exceeded. The mixture is warmed in a water bath, a cotton cloth soaked with it and placed on the chest. Above that come another cotton cloth and a woolen cloth. To hold the heat, another hot water bottle is put on. The wrap should be removed after one to two hours. If irritated skin first appears or if itching occurs, discontinue treatment immediately.


Lutschpastillen can relieve the unpleasant coughing. Recommended are tablets containing herbal components. Lollipop pastilles with marshmallow, mallow, ribwort or Icelandic moss have irritant, anti-inflammatory and, through their mucilage, like a protective film on the mucous membrane. Often, the tablets additionally contain zinc and / or propolis.

Inhaling frees the respiratory tract and counteracts the coughing sensation of colds. (Image: closeupimages / fotolia.com)


An effective home remedy for irritating cough is inhaling. This is best used sea salt or Himalayan salt. Salt moistens, disinfects and soothes irritated mucous membranes. In a bowl, hot water is mixed with salt (9 grams of salt per 1 liter of water). Being inhaled is under a towel - with your head over the steaming vessel.

Milk with honey

Everyone knows milk with honey from his childhood and some people think of it with a shudder. However, this home remedy is really recommended for irritating cough. However, if the cough is slimy, no milk should be drunk, since milk has a slime-forming effect.

Hot milk with honey is a traditional home remedy for relieving the coughing sensation. (Image: Africa Studio / fotolia.com)

Herbal cough syrups

With irritated cough, a lot can be achieved with the right home remedies, including herbal cough syrup. Just taken in the evening before going to sleep, or even at night, when the cough is unbearable, the right herbal cough syrup can serve well - and especially without chemistry. The plants that are recommended for irritating cough include marshmallow root, thyme, ivy leaves and coneflower. These are contained either individually or as a mixture in a variety of cough syrups. However, caution - herbal cucumbers may cause allergic reactions and intolerances, albeit in rare cases.

Coughing in the night

If the irritant cough occurs especially at night, the following measures are quite helpful. First, the headboard should be placed slightly higher, which can already relieve the coughing. A warm thyme tea, possibly sweetened with a little honey, soothes the mucous membranes. What else helps is a quark wrap that stays on the chest all night. Dry air irritates the mucous membranes even more, so in the bedroom, for example, a few wet towels should be hung.

Coughing at night can cause significant sleep problems, which additionally weaken the body. With a few simple measures, however, the nighttime coughing can be significantly reduced. (Image: ajlatan / fotolia.com)

The walk to the doctor

If the listed home remedies do not help and / or symptoms such as sore throat, headache and fever are added, a doctor should be consulted. If the cause of the cough is not the common cold, but, as already mentioned, for example, in heart failure, the underlying disease must be treated urgently. (Sw)