Two new carcinogenic substances found in the vapor of e-cigarettes

More and more people in Germany use so-called e-cigarettes to either stop smoking or think they have found a less harmful alternative to normal cigarettes. However, a new study has shown that the vapor from electronic cigarettes contains two previously undiscovered carcinogenic chemicals.
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory scientists have now found in an investigation that the vapor of e-cigarettes contains harmful chemicals. Two of the suntans found are considered likely to be carcinogenic. The physicians published the results of their study in the journal "Environmental Science and Technology".

Researchers find propylene glycol and glycerin in the vapor of e-cigarettes
There are many discussions about the impact of e-cigarettes on our health. A new study examined the chemicals in the vapor of e-cigarettes. The scientists found that propylene glycol contained in the vapor irritates our eyes and respiratory system. Contained Glycerin can irritate our skin, the eyes and the respiratory tract. Much worse, however, that these two chemicals are considered carcinogenic, explain the scientists.
Evaporation produces acrolein and formaldehyde
In addition, the evaporation of liquids by the e-cigarette also other toxic chemicals, such as acrolein and formaldehyde, explain the researchers. So far, e-cigarette advocates have said emissions are much lower than traditional cigarettes. Some British scientists see e-cigarettes as a real alternative for smokers. This may even apply to long-time smokers who can not quit smoking, says lead author Hugo Destaillats of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. But that does not make the vapor of e-cigarettes healthy. Regular smoking of cigarettes is very unhealthy, e-cigarettes are just unhealthy, adds Destaillats.
The hotter the evaporator, the more harmful chemicals are released
The scientists studied the vapor of three different types of liquids for e-cigarettes. They used two different evaporators on different battery settings. The higher the temperature inside the evaporator, the more chemicals were released, say the experts. These chemicals released by evaporation can harm our health. Earlier research had already shown that evaporation can also lead to cardiovascular damage.
Different amounts of chemicals released
It also made a difference when the steam is inhaled. If the device is still warming, it releases even lower levels of chemicals, the researchers explain. When the device is running normally with constant heat, however, the levels of released chemicals are increasing, the researchers say.
Steam from some e-cigarettes contains diethylene glycol
Previous studies have already shown that e-cigarettes produce toxic chemicals. For example, in 2009, the FDA warned that some e-cigarettes might contain diethylene glycol. This chemical is also used in antifreeze. Nevertheless, more and more people use e-cigarettes. Nearly 13 percent of American adults and even more than 21 percent of young adults aged 18 to 24 have already used e-cigarettes in 2014, say the authors. For students, the number of e-cigarette users had even tripled within a year.
Not only in America has the use of e-cigarettes become a trend among adolescents. E-cigarettes are also very popular with German adolescents. However, e-cigarettes may no longer be sold to young people in Germany. (As)