Two health insurance companies are broke

BKK City and BKK Heilberufe filed for bankruptcy. Other health insurance companies could follow.
(14.06.2010) Again and again, the statutory health insurance funds were warned against this scenario since the introduction of the health fund. Now, these warnings seem to be fulfilled: At least two health insurance companies have reported a threat of bankruptcy at the Federal Insurance Office (BVA). The affected health insurances: "City BKK" and "BKK Heilberufe". In the "City BKK" an impending bankruptcy was already confirmed by the Federal Insurance Office. At the BKK health professions, there are no official confirmations, but most experts assume that this health insurance is threatened by bankruptcy.
Could City BKK still be saved??
According to media reports, City BKK alone has accumulated 50 million euros in 2009 and 2010 in debts. The BKK currently insures around 200,000 people. A merger with another health insurance company seems to be out of the question at the moment, because the "City BKK" has mainly accumulated debts because many elderly and sick people are insured with the City BKK. A rescue association with another BKK therefore seems unthinkable. The health insurance companies fear that they would have to demand additional contributions from their insured persons during a merger. Since some health insurance companies like the DAK had collected additional contributions, it could be observed that especially young and healthy people left the health insurance. According to estimates, around 400,000 members left their health insurance fund by April 2010 because they demanded an additional contribution of at least eight euros.
Apparently, the end for the City BKK is already sealed. Thus, according to newspaper reports, the BVA and the Ministry of Health have agreed to close the health insurance by 1 September 2010. Although there are still negotiations for a possible union with another health insurance, but these hopes are called for the reasons mentioned as "vague". At the end of the week, a crisis meeting will take place, in which another negotiation will be held about a possible rescue of the "City-BKK". According to the City BKK, the following options would be discussed: The BKK system provides financial assistance amounting to around 50 million euros; CITY BKK enters into a merger with another health insurance company of the same type (BKK) or CITY BKK is closed. According to calculations of the BKK Federal Association, the closing costs amount to 150 million euros for this case.
What happens if a health insurance company is shut down? What should insured people pay attention to??
Many insured are currently worried about what an imminent closure of the health insurance would have consequences for them. City BKK is currently insuring that all treatment costs are currently being covered and insured persons should not be worried. In the event of imminent insolvency, the other statutory health insurance funds are required to take over the insured persons. After the closure of a health insurance, insured persons should seek a new statutory health insurance within two weeks. The deadline of two weeks should be adhered to. The period begins on the day of the official closure notification. It is important to inform the employer so that he can register in time with another health insurance company. The unemployed and pensioners are re-registered by the employment agency or the pension insurance institution. Again, you should not rely on this being done "automatically". So far, such a procedure is unique and also for the authorities "new territory". (Sb)
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Is the health insurance City-BKK broke?
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Image: Claudia Hautumm /