Obsessive-compulsive disorder costs a lot of vitality

Obsessive-compulsive disorder costs a lot of vitality / Health News

Compulsive disorders cost sufferers a lot of vitality


People who suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorder are usually severely restricted in everyday life. A normal life is then no longer possible. Many sufferers keep their problem to themselves. But actually such constraints are well treatable.

Control constraints may indicate obsessive-compulsive disorder
„Have I completed the front door?“, „Is the stove really off?“: Such and similar thoughts are constantly going through some people's minds. They constantly have to check things. Repetition and control constraints or even cleansing rituals may indicate an obsessive-compulsive disorder. Repetitive thoughts, which are senseless, disturbing and annoying, can also be an indication. This is what the German Psychiatric and Psychotherapy, Psychosomatics and Neurology Institute (DGPPN) has pointed out in a press release dpa news agency.

Many sufferers do not go to the doctor first
Professor Fritz Hohagen, board member of DGPPN, said: „Compulsive rituals as well as obsessional thoughts can be very time consuming and cost a lot of life force, so that they make a normal life increasingly impossible for the person concerned.“ If the symptoms occur for several hours a day for at least two weeks, and those affected feel stressed, it is referred to as an obsessive-compulsive disorder. For fear and shame many sufferers do not go to the doctor first. This is despite the fact that obsessive-compulsive disorders can be treated well with cognitive behavioral therapy.

Lack of qualified therapists
However, according to experts, it usually takes years before the correct diagnosis is made. Another problem is the lack of therapists qualified for obsessive-compulsive disorder. As a result, many people with obsessive-compulsive disorders receive no or inadequate treatment despite the diagnosis. Nerve doctors also repeatedly point out the importance of treatment. The health consequences of obsessive-compulsive disorder, such as constant shaking, excessive sweating, palpitations, inner turmoil or heart stumbling, can be prevented according to the experts only with therapeutic measures. (Ad)