Additional contribution health insurance change rewarding

Additional contribution health insurance change rewarding / Health News

By health insurance change checkout


Since the beginning of the year, new rates apply in statutory health insurance (SHI). Although the general contribution rate has been lowered, it will be more expensive for some members of the Kassen because of additional contributions. With a health insurance change, some insured can sometimes save a few hundred euros.

20 million insured will pay less
As of January 1, the general contribution rate for SHI was lowered from 15.5 to 14.6 percent. However, due to additional contributions that the health insurance companies may charge, it will be considerably more expensive for some insured persons. According to Federal Health Minister Hermann Gröhe (CDU), around 20 million Germans will initially pay a lower contribution rate for the time being. This has to do with the fact that their coffers make no or a smaller additional contribution than 0.9 percent. For the members of other insurers, it may be worthwhile to change the cash register. Some of them can save several hundred euros a year.

Special right of termination because of additional contribution
In principle, insured persons may change their health insurance fund without any special reason if they have been a member for at least 18 months. In addition, there is also a special right of termination if the fund introduces an additional contribution or raises it. As the „Southgerman newspaper“ According to an evaluation by the consumer center of North Rhine-Westphalia (SZ), a total of 65 funds are below the previous rate of 15.5 percent, meaning that either no additional contribution or at least less than 0.9 percentage points are levied. It is said that changes in 50 other insurance under the line nothing, with eight funds, the protection is more expensive. The providers must inform their insureds at the latest in the month before the planned introduction or increase of an additional contribution and also about the special right of termination. According to SZ, this applies in each case until the end of the month in which the new or higher additional fee is due for the first time.

Written notice
If insureds decide to change, they must first terminate their membership in writing at their previous fund. Sample letters can be found on the internet. The cancellation confirmation from the old provider must be submitted to the new fund together with the membership application form. Basically, no provider may refuse statutory insurance. The new health insurance company will issue a membership certificate within the period of notice, which the insured must submit to the employer. The change becomes effective at the end of the two-month notice period at the old cash register. Anyone who quits by the end of January will be insured with the new health insurance fund from April.

Consider the benefits at the health insurance companies
At the beginning of the year, Minister of Health Gröhe had warned against a quick cash change. He pointed out that it also depends on the services of the insurer. Other experts see this as similar. The Federal Insurance Office also advises that the choice of health insurance not only looks at the differences in the additional contribution, but also factors such as advice, service, special services or the presence of a local office. If you want to compare how much the different funds charge in addition and how much could be saved, there are numerous websites. A change may be worthwhile especially for workers with a high gross income.

No disadvantages through cash change
Basically threaten insured by a cash point no disadvantages, since all statutory health insurance companies offer the same prescribed range of services. However, it should be borne in mind that some health insurances offer additional benefits such as certain vaccinations, alternative medicines, the granting of a home-help in case of sickness or special care models for the chronically ill and thus provide more for the insured. Thanks to the special right of termination, however, you can look for another account with each increase in the additional contribution, if you are not satisfied with the choice of the new provider. And such increases are expected by experts for the coming years anyway. Just a few weeks ago, for example, the chairman of Barmer GEK stated that the contributions for 2015 had been very cautious. For 2016, he expects an average statutory health insurance contribution rate of over 16 percent, and in 2017 further increases are to be expected. (Ad)

Picture: Bernd Kasper