Sugar makes you sick AOK calls for quick action

Sugar makes you sick AOK calls for quick action / Health News

Government must do something against high sugar consumption


Those who consume a lot of sugar endanger their health. The number one sweetener increases the risk of various diseases. The general local health insurance funds (AOK) have now called on the federal government to do something about the rising sugar shortage.

„Sugar makes you sick“
In people who consume a lot of sugar, the risk of overweight and obesity increases enormously. This also greatly increases the likelihood of diabetes, hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases. As the news agency dpa reports, the general local health insurance funds (AOK) have now called on the black and red government to do something about rising sugar consumption, for example with a sugar tax. Opposite the Berliner „Tagesspiegel“ (Monday edition) said the prevention expert of the AOK Federal Association, Kai Kolpatzik: „Sugar makes you sick.“ That is scientifically proven beyond doubt.

Other countries are already on
Unlike in the fight against smoking or excessive alcohol consumption, German policy does not accept its responsibility in health prevention. A „national strategy to reduce sugar consumption“ be necessary. Among other things, this included advertising restrictions, but also the discussion about a sugar tax. For years, experts have been calling for such an extra levy for Germany, usually as a sugar-fat tax. Other countries are already much further. For example, France, where 2012 a „Cola control“ for sugar fortified drinks. Or Mexico, where there is a tax on foods that contain over 275 calories per 100 grams.

New guidelines from the World Health Organization
The initiative is prompted by new guidelines from the World Health Organization (WHO) on sugar consumption. The WHO recommends lower levels of sugar intake than before. According to the adjusted recommendations, adults should not consume more than five to ten percent of their daily calories as sugar. According to the report, there are on average 15 to 18 percent in Germany. „Additional health benefits“ According to WHO, it would bring if sugar intake was reduced to less than five percent (about 25 grams) a day. According to the Food Ministry, Germans average 90 grams.

Politics does not want to do anything
The Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture rejected the AOK demands. „We reject a political control of consumption by advertising bans and penalty taxes for supposedly unhealthy food“, said spokesman Christian Fronczak to the „Tagesspiegel“. And further: „We do not want to patronize and dictate what to eat.“ According to the newspaper, the example of Alcopops showed how successful control mechanisms can be. Sales of such drinks fell by 80 percent within a year, after the policy had imposed a special tax on the most popular schnapps drinks among young people. (Ad)

> Image: Timo Klostermeier