Time Changes Nearly three million people take sleeping pills

This coming weekend, it's time again: the time is up. Many people find it difficult to cope and therefore swallow sleep aids, as a recent survey shows. Health experts advise against resorting to drugs in sleep disorders.
Time change puts a strain on your health
Every half year it's that time again: the time change is coming up. During the night from Saturday to Sunday, the clocks are switched to summer time. That means: one hour less sleep. The time change puts a strain on health. During the acclimatization phase, many people suffer from complaints such as sleep disorders, headaches, difficulty concentrating, fatigue, irritability, dizziness and tiredness. Some take medications to better cope with the changeover. But that can be dangerous.

More than one in four has health problems due to time change
According to a recent Forsa survey commissioned by DAK-Gesundheit, many people in Germany swallow medication to better cope with the time change.
As reported by the health insurance on their website, four percent of the nationwide 1,004 respondents aged 14 years and over, therefore, have taken sleeping pills before.
The survey also showed that more than one in four (27 percent) had health problems due to the time change.
Many consider the time change unnecessary
According to the survey, the time change causes most people to feel tired and tired. 77 percent have already experienced this.
Almost two-thirds (64 percent) suffer from sleep problems or sleep disorders, especially women (71 percent). One in three respondents can concentrate less well and 29 percent are more irritated than usual.
Above all, men seem to have a problem with punctuality because of the time change: According to this, 27 percent say that they did not get to work in the morning in the morning (women: eight percent). One in ten mentions depressive moods as a result of the new age.
74 percent of the respondents consider the time change to be superfluous. Especially 45- to 59-year-olds stated this (85 percent). By comparison, among the under-30s only 56% plead for abolition.
Take sleeping pills only after consulting a doctor
Four percent of the respondents (women: five percent, men: two percent) have ever taken sleeping aids to better cope with the time change. That's an estimated three million people in Germany.
"Sleeping pills should only be taken after consultation with a doctor", warns DAK doctor Elisabeth Thomas. "You can develop an addictive potential after only a few incomes."
Natural methods for a better sleep
According to the doctor, a good alternative for a healthy sleep is to go to bed early a few days before the changeover. This allows the body to slowly get used to the new rhythm.
A light evening meal, relaxation baths, walks and less TV and bedside computers also help to make you sleep better.
Other Tips to Avoid Sleep Disorders: Avoid late food, coffee, nicotine, alcohol, and intense sports in the evening.
Also useful are various home remedies for sleep disorders. A calming tea made of passionflower or chamomile, for example, has proven to be effective in relieving tension.
Relaxation techniques such as autogenic training or progressive muscle relaxation can also be effective. (Ad)