Time change can provoke heart attacks

Significantly more heart attacks immediately after the time change
The annual time changes between summer and winter time are not only annoying, but also hold according to a recent study of the health insurance DAK-health considerable health risks. „Changing the spring time increases the risk of a heart attack“, reports the DAK. A long-term analysis has shown that in the first three days after the time change 25 percent more patients with heart problems come to the hospital than the annual average.
The time change between winter and summer time should initially allow for their better use of the daily sunshine duration when they are introduced. However, for years medical experts have been focusing on the possible negative consequences for health. Especially the effects on the biorhythm offered a reason for criticism. How far-reaching the effects of the time change can actually be, the data analysis of the DAK now makes clear. The evaluation has shown that alone when looking at the past three years „in the three days after the changeover to daylight saving time for DAK health insured, an average of 40 hospital admissions for heart attacks“ whereas the average is usually 30 daily admissions, the health insurance company reports.
Change of biorhythm and lack of sleep
The DAK expert Peter Rowohlt explained in terms of data analysis that the accumulation of heart complaints observed over the years in the days after the time change is quite clear and „a Swedish study (supports), which came to the same observation.“ The physician assesses the conversion of the biorhythm and the lack of sleep here as significant influencing factors. This messes up the hormone balance, Rowohlt continued. Not without reason„the vast majority (70 percent) of the German population for the abolition of summer time“, reports the DAK. Every fourth person has to struggle with the consequences of the time change. Even after this year's changeover to summer time, those affected will need a few days in the night from March 29 to 30 to spend some more time adjusting to the time difference.
Preventing negative consequences of the time change
In its current press release, DAK also gives some pointers on how to minimize the burden of time change. For example, the health insurance company recommends „a few days before the time change to go to bed earlier and take the meals earlier than usual.“ In addition, people who have particular difficulty with the time difference should, „eat as light as possible in the evening on the first days after the changeover and do not drink any stimulating drinks such as coffee or alcohol before going to bed“, reports the DAK. Furthermore, according to the notification of the health insurance „Dragees or herbal teas with valerian, hops, St. John's wort and lemon balm“ help with sleep problems. Autogenic training also offers good assistance. However, sleep aids should only be taken after consultation with a doctor. Who is plagued by the time change also during the day of tiredness, should take a short break according to DAK and ideally walk a little in the fresh air. (Fp)
Picture: Martin Büdenbender