Dentist braces also useful for adults

Most people long for a perfect smile. However, many have crooked and crooked teeth. Most dentition corrections are made in childhood. But even adults can correct malpositions of the teeth - with the help of braces.
Deformations of the teeth can also be corrected in adults
The well-known German actor Jürgen Vogel is certainly an exception. In an interview with the "Stuttgarter Zeitung" he said a few years ago: "I just need a few teeth." He is known for his imperfect teeth. The vast majority of people, however, long for an immaculate dentition that you can see everywhere in advertising: Everywhere people with healthy, bright white teeth, standing straight and gapless next to each other.

Not all of them naturally have such a bit. In most cases, corrections are made in childhood or adolescence. But even adults do not have to come to terms with malpositions of the teeth, they also have braces for them. "In terms of age, there is no limit to such a treatment," said the orthodontist Wolfgang Schmiedel in a message from the news agency dpa. The physician is a member of the board of the Federal Dental Association as well as President of the Dental Association Berlin. When talking and laughing, wearing a braces does not necessarily hinder. It also does not have to attract attention.
Optical reasons are often in the foreground
According to Schmiedel, about half of the adults undergoing orthodontic treatment have optical reasons in the foreground: "These can be closing gaps in the anterior region, for example." In some cases, however, it is medically necessary. For example, in case of false bite, the presence of so-called crossbites or tooth misalignments, which cause unfavorable contacts with the tongue. "This may be painful when eating due to constant irritation," said orthodontist Yong-min Jo. If left untreated, it can lead to jaw pain, TMJ problems, neck and headaches, migraine and mouth disorders. To make matters worse, adults often also - in the psychological sense - suffer from their dental or jaw misalignments. As Schmiedel said, they sometimes do not dare to laugh so as not to show their teeth.
High costs are to be borne by yourself
Fixed braces in the form of brackets are particularly common. "These are platelets glued to the enamel from the inside or outside," Jo explained. This will set the teeth in the desired position. "These brackets are available in tooth-colored versions so that they do not stand out immediately when talking or laughing," explained Barbara Bückmann, who advised the Stiftung Warentest on the "Orthodontics; Braces - yes or no "wrote. In addition, there are also the so-called Clear Aligner in the form of thin and transparent rails. Both variants are not cheap. With brackets one can count on costs between 3.000 Euro and 10.000 Euro, the Clear Aligner are priced between 5.000 and 7.000 Euro.
The statutory health insurance companies cover the costs only for the most severe jaw malpositions. For many orthodontists, the correction of malocclusions is a very lucrative business. Unfortunately, often with controversial methods. Earlier this year, it was reported that some doctors urge parents to high private dental braces, although they are actually prohibited from refusing treatment without co-payment.
Adults need to wear braces longer
As explained in the dpa message, brackets sit firmly on their teeth for 24 hours. "Sometimes it can cause irritation of the gums or tongue or mild pressure pain," said Schmiedel. Most of these complaints disappear after a few days. "The success of the treatment is almost inevitable due to the constant wear," explained Schmiedel the advantage of the brackets. He said to the Clear Aligners: "The success of the treatment largely depends on how intensely the patient wears it." Ms. Bückmann explained: "Adults who have completed their growth phase generally need to wear a brace longer than adolescents."
Although the therapy can last up to four years, it is often between twelve months and two years. "In cases of simple to moderate anomalies in the anterior region, patients need to wear a brace between three and nine months," said Jo. You definitely need to plan more time for oral hygiene and to ensure the result permanently after the end of the treatment, as Jo says there is always the risk "that the teeth will shift back into the old situation". There are so-called Retainer, which are glued from behind on the teeth. (Ad)