Dental health Are bad teeth transmitted while kissing?

Which dental diseases are transmitted to the partner
About 80 million bacteria exchange two people in just one kiss. However, if one partner is ill, the risk of infection increases. But very few people know that they can also transmit tooth discomfort in this way. Dr. Lutz Spanka, Master of Science for Implantology and Dental Surgery and Orthodontics at ZahnZentrum Dr. Ing. Spanka & colleagues in Hude, explains which diseases are particularly dangerous and how couples protect themselves from infection.
Periodontitis: inconspicuous threat
About every second adult in Germany suffers from periodontitis. [2] 2] Thus, it is reasonable to assume that the own partner is affected by this inflammation of the periodontium. It is caused by bacterial deposits that attack the gum line. When kissing the harmful pathogens can penetrate through the saliva in the mouth of the loved one and also settle there. Especially dangerous: At the beginning of the disease, many people hardly perceive symptoms. Only when it is much too late, they notice the periodontal disease.

"A first indication is reddened and swollen gums that tend to bleed. At this stage, it is sufficient to rid the mouth with a professional teeth cleaning of bacteria," Dr. Spanka. Without treatment, the jawbone goes back as the disease progresses, which can lead to tooth loss.
Tooth decay: painful holes
Caries is also caused by bacteria, with which partners can infect each other. The treacherous pathogens are transmitted not only through direct physical contact, but also indirectly, if in love, for example, share their dessert with a spoon. Against this background, experts also advise against using a toothbrush. However, no matter how the harmful microorganisms get into the partner's oral cavity when they settle there, they begin to feed on food debris.
In this process, they convert sugar into acid, which in turn attacks the enamel. Thus, holes are formed over a longer period. Even in this case, many people notice their illness only when the bacteria have penetrated deep into the interior of the tooth and he therefore hurts.
Avoid infection
Since most lovers do not want to stay away from their partner, only the proper care of the teeth helps to counteract diseases even before they are formed. Therefore, the motto is: Brush your teeth at least twice a day. In addition to daily oral hygiene, semi-annual professional tooth cleaning is the best prophylaxis. Whoever removes pads regularly, does not give bacteria a chance to spread in the body.
"In order not to pass on infectious diseases, regular check-ups should take place. This is not only a pleasure for yourself, but also for your partner, "emphasizes Dr. med. Spanka concluding. (sb, pm)