Angry going to bed ruined our sleep

Angry going to bed ruined our sleep / Health News
Does the mood before going to bed really affect our sleep?
If people have been happily married for a long time, they often advise newly-married couples not to sleep furiously in the evening. Researchers have now found that this could also make sense from a health point of view: going to bed in a bad mood actually harms sleep.

The researchers at Iowa State University found in their current research that the mood in which we go to bed in the evening has an impact on our sleep. Bad sleep then leads to various negative health effects. The physicians published the results of their study in the journal "Journal of Research in Personality".

When people suffer from sleep problems, the reasons for it can be quite different. Researchers now found that there is an association between anger and sleep quality. Those who go to bed angry often sleep badly. (Image: Sven Vietense /

Bad sleep can lead to long-term health problems
Bad sleep affects your health. The implications are very far-reaching - from poorer mental health to increased risk of all sorts of long-term health problems, the researchers explain. The results of the new study now provide an important insight into how we can improve our sleep in the future.

Experts examine 436 subjects for the study
Iowa State University psychologists oversaw the sleep habits of 436 volunteers for their study. Subjects had to complete questionnaires about tantrums occurring during the investigation. The researchers come to the conclusion that the sleep of those affected turns out to be the worse, the madder they are. Presumably, this is because people who go to bed angry lie longer awake and think longer about the causative problems, the scientists report.

There is a connection between anger and sleep
Overall, persons with a poor control of anger had objectively and subjectively measured a worse sleep. The findings suggest that actual sleep patterns are due to individual differences in anger, the researchers say. This would mean that poor control of the onset of anger plays an important role in our sleep behavior. The study is further evidence of the connection between anger and sleep.

What causes lack of sleep?
Even after adjusting all the results of the study to the differences in gender, age, socioeconomic status and stress, the results obtained were retained. Given that past research suggests that a lack of sleep makes people more aggressive, irritable and contentious, the perceived effects on sleep are quite credible. All of the above factors in turn affect sleep quality. This could be a kind of vicious circle for affected people.

Fight your anger to prevent sleep problems
As already indicated above, many people with frequently occurring anger suffer from their inner mood under a worse sleep. If you feel familiar with these issues, you should consider whether you can not resolve personal problems and difficulties in dealing with your anger, thereby preventing potential sleep problems.

Advice for a healthy sleep
There are also some ways to improve your sleep. It is best to go to bed a little earlier, especially if you are tired. Do not rely on medication for sleep problems. Make sure you have a comfortable temperature (18-21C) in your bedroom. Avoid drinking alcohol before going to bed and at best stop taking caffeine after 4pm. Do not perform physical training late at night and avoid screens in your bedroom. The bedroom should also be sufficiently darkened. A so-called sleep diary can also help to improve sleep habits. (As)