WM hearing damage by vuvuzelas possible

WM hearing damage by vuvuzelas possible / Health News

Beware of South African Vuvuzelas, these can cause permanent hearing damage and thus endanger the health!

(15.06.2010) The whole world is currently in World Cup fever. A South African vuvuzelas is popular with many fans. But caution is needed, the Vuvuzelas can reach up to 160 decibels and sustainably damage human hearing. Therefore, adequate hearing protection should be provided.

Vuvuzelas can cause permanent hearing damage, as confirmed by experts in the study program ophthalmic optics and audiology of the university in Aalen. According to Eckhard Hoffmann Vuvuzelas, hearing can be permanently damaged. So Vuvuzela are partly louder than chainsaws. The maximum values ​​of the African Vuvuzela are 160 decibels. To reach this volume, one must be able to handle the instrument with great skill. On average, the volume is 120 decibels.

Hörakustik- Professor Eckhard Hoffmann of the high-school Aalen points out that at these levels the hearing is acutely endangered. "In some cases, a single fanfare shock is enough to cause hearing loss or ear noises," says Hoffmann. As a possible consequence, those affected may suffer a tinnitus or an acute hearing loss. Under certain circumstances, the tinnitus may even persist throughout life and severely limit the patient's quality of life. In the case of tinnitus, those affected hear a lasting tone whose volume varies from patient to patient.

But what should football fans do so they do not suffer from hearing damage from the blues? Hoffmann advises all football fans to protect their ears with ear plugs. Such hearing protection can prevent hearing loss and reduce the vuvuzela volume by 20 to 25 decibels. Because even a sound pressure level of over 85 decibels can cause permanent hearing damage. Especially at risk are people who already suffer hearing loss or tinitus. Even those affected who already suffered a sudden hearing loss should definitely wear hearing protection at the World Cup major events. (Sb)

Image: Rike / pixelio.de.