Scientific study E-cigarettes damage the liver

Scientific study E-cigarettes damage the liver / Health News

How does the use of e-cigarettes affect the liver??

The popularity of electronic cigarettes has increased dramatically in recent years. Researchers now found that the use of e-cigarettes can lead to an accumulation of fat in the liver.

  • E-cigarettes harm the liver.
  • E-cigarettes can cause liver disease, diabetes, heart disease and strokes.
  • Certain genes accelerate the development of fatty liver disease.

Researchers at Charles R. Drew's University of Medicine and Science in Los Angeles found in their current research that e-cigarettes appear to harm the liver. The physicians published the results of their study at the 100th Annual Meeting of the Endocrine Society in Chicago (ENDO 2018).

Although e-cigarettes have become increasingly popular, their use has a negative impact on health. (Image: vchalup /

Damage e-cigarettes of health?

Many smokers of regular cigarettes have switched to e-cigarettes in recent years. The advertising conveys that e-cigarettes are safer for health than traditional cigarettes, which is often a reason for deciding to use e-cigarettes. However, the new study shows why e-cigarettes are by no means considered safe for health. The findings could have important implications for public health and legislation, explain the researchers.

Many long-term effects are still unknown

The liquid in e-cigarettes may contain nicotine, which has already been linked to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. However, the long-term effects of using e-cigarettes on liver disease, diabetes, heart disease or stroke are still unknown.

How did the investigation go??

During the study period (12 weeks), the physicians performed a study on mice. The animals lacked the gene for apolipoprotein E. This made them more susceptible to the development of heart disease and fatty liver. All mice in the study received a diet that contained relatively high levels of fat and cholesterol. One group of these mice was exposed to e-cigarette aerosol so that their blood nicotine content was similar to that of smokers and e-cigarette users. A second group of mice was exposed to a saline solution aerosol.

E-cigarettes promoted liver disease

The researchers took samples of the liver and then examined genes contained therein, which were affected by the use of e-cigarettes. For this purpose, a technique was used, which is referred to as so-called RNA sequence analysis. The scientists noted changes in a total of 433 genes associated with the development and progression of fatty liver in the mice. In addition, the experts found that genes associated with circadian rhythms accelerate the development of liver disease in mice including the development of fatty liver.

Preventive measures must be taken

"Our experimental findings will help policymakers and state and federal regulators take preventive action to stop the growing use of e-cigarettes in children and adults," said study author Theodore C. Friedman of Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science in a press release. (As)