Scientist red wine protects against tooth decay and gum disease
Protective effect of red wine against bacteria in the mouth?
The consumption of red wine has already been associated with a number of alleged health benefits, from supporting the heart to reducing the risk of diabetes. Researchers have now discovered that red wine contains substances that can help combat tooth decay and gum disease.
The researchers found in their study that red wine can help ward off harmful bacteria in the mouth. The physicians published the results of their study in the journal "Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry".
Does the consumption of red wine protect against gum disease and tooth decay? (Image: Syda Productions / do polyphenols do??
Red wine compounds called polyphenols help prevent harmful bacteria in the mouth. Previous studies have already suggested that the health benefits of polyphenols are related to their antioxidant action, which protects the body from harmful free radicals. However, recent studies have shown that polyphenols can also improve health by working with healthy bacteria in our intestines. In the current study, the scientists analyzed whether wine polyphenols are also good for oral health.
Polyphenols prevent bacteria from adhering to cells
The researchers compared the effects of two polyphenols of red wine and grape seed and red wine extract supplements on bacteria that adhere to teeth and gums where they cause plaque, tooth decay and gum disease. The polyphenols reduce the ability of the bacteria to adhere to the cells. In combination with the Streptococcus dentisani, which stimulates the growth of good bacteria, the polyphenols were even better able to inhibit the pathogenic bacteria.
What other fruits and drinks contain polyphenols?
Red wine is rich in polyphenols, but they are also found in a number of other beverages and foods. For example, coffee, green tea, black tea and lemon juice contain polyphenols. Many fruits such as blueberries, raspberries, kiwis and cherries contain polyphenols.
There were limitations in the study
The authors explain that their study is limited by the fact that it was performed outside the human body with cells that simulated gum tissue. More research is needed to learn more about what inhibits the bacteria, explain the doctors.
Metabolites responsible for the effect?
So-called metabolites form when the digestion of polyphenols in the mouth begins. These could be responsible for some of the effects in the study, experts say. The results of the study should not, however, motivate people to drink more alcohol.
Wine can damage the enamel
The sour nature of wine can cause the consumption of a large amount to damage the enamel. Until the benefits of this study have been clinically proven, it is best to consume wine only in moderation and with a meal to minimize the risk of tooth erosion, say the doctors. (As)