Scientist Can the aging be stopped?

Scientist Can the aging be stopped? / Health News

Aging processes can be controlled and slowed down

Aging affects every human being, but the progression of the aging process can be influenced and even stopped in some areas. For example, brain aging can be stopped with targeted training and physical activity, reports Jacobs University Bremen.

According to the experts, in the vast majority of people, the volume of the brain begins to shrink as early as the age of 30 years. However, this aging process can be stopped with "targeted training, with exercise, with physical activity," the university reports. "Everyone has the power to maintain their brain functions, provided that they are physically healthy," emphasizes the Professor of Neuroscience at Jacobs University Bremen, Dr. med. Ben Godde.

Physical activity slows down the aging of the brain. (Image: Paul Hakimata /

The brain has never learned

"The brain is a network that constantly renews and reconnects," explains Prof. Godde, whose research focuses on lifelong learning, healthy and successful aging, and the plasticity of the brain. While physicians used to assume that brain development is limited to childhood and the brain "learned" at the end of this phase, it is known today that this is not true. Plasticity (changeability) of a brain remains to old age.

Different stress on the brain

The plasticity of the brain is, according to the expert, due to the requirements to which it is exposed. "If the requirements change, the brain changes," Dr. Godde continues. When people learn something, new connections are formed, new networks, explains the expert. What is important is saved. That way the brain can change extremely over the lifespan. For example, it is important for young people to learn quickly and many new things about the world, while older people are more likely to use their experience to solve problems. According to different work the brain, which is sometimes misinterpreted as performance degradation.

Plasticity of the brain

The research group around Dr. Godde claims to have demonstrated the plasticity of the brain in a variety of studies, including hand-skill tests. With subjects of different ages, for example, it was examined how well they can differentiate surfaces, feel or stack objects. The parallel measurement of brain activity has shown that new connections are created in the brain, which are also stored.

Endurance training with extremely positive effects

The expert emphasizes that "both specific functions and the overall performance of the brain can be trained". However, it is important to stay active here. For example, endurance training improves blood circulation in the brain. Despite these findings, however, the attitude is still widespread that older people can not learn anything more. Godde resolutely opposes this attitude. "Our studies prove the opposite. If you want, you can practice piano even in old age, as long as the muscles and hands are healthy "; emphasizes the professor of neuroscience.

The whole organism stays younger

A few months ago, scientists at Brigham Young University have already shown that active movement slows down the human aging process. If people are consistently physically active, they have significantly longer telomeres compared to people with fewer physical activity, the study authors reported. Short telomeres represent advanced aging, affecting the entire organism. Not only the aging of the brain, but the entire body can be braked by high levels of physical activity. (Fp)