Scientists Intensive Facebook interaction burdens mental well-being

Scientists Intensive Facebook interaction burdens mental well-being / Health News
Mental well-being decreases with intensive Facebook use
Social media such as Facebook connect billions of people worldwide online. The impact this has on users remains controversial. However, there are increasing indications that especially adverse effects on the psyche are to be expected. In a recent study, scientists from the School of Medicine at the University of California have found that mental well-being decreases significantly with intensive Facebook use.

Several scientific studies have already hinted at possible adverse effects of Facebook use. Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh's Center for Research on Media, Technology and Health recently came to the conclusion that social inclusion is increasing through Facebook usage. In the current study, the scientists of the University of California have now proven that the Facebook interactions, the mental well-being is basically reduced. Their results published the researchers in the journal "American Journal of Epidemiology".

The interaction in social networks like Facebook has a negative effect on mental well-being. (Image: Cybrain /

Effects of online interaction investigated
Interpersonal social interactions face-to-face improve well-being, the researchers report. But the question of the impact of social media interaction on the Internet, the research team around Holly B. Shakya from the School of Medicine at the University of California continued. The omnipresence of social media raised important questions about the impact of online social interaction. Researchers have therefore examined the possible effects of interaction in social networks (offline and online) on subjective well-being in their current study.

Mental well-being suffers from high Facebook interaction
Using the data from 5,208 study participants, researchers analyzed possible associations of Facebook usage and interaction in real social networks "with self-reported physical health, self-reported mental health, self-reported life satisfaction, and body mass index." The result was clearly. The data analysis shows that overall the use of Facebook had negative effects on well-being, the researchers report. For example, a one-percent increase in "likes" interacted with a five to eight percent reduction in self-reported mental health.

Adverse effect of virtual social networks
However, according to the researchers, the interactions in the real social networks showed a positive effect on well-being. However, the negative impact of Facebook usage was comparable to or greater than the positive impact of offline interactions, the research team continued. There may be some balance between the impact of the real interaction and the Facebook interaction. Overall, however, the use of social networks on the Internet has had a major adverse effect on well-being, which is in line with the results of previous studies, which found, among other things, that the benefits of social networking can trigger depression. Users should be aware of these detrimental effects of the virtual social network and possibly avoid excessive interaction via Facebook and Co. (Fp)