Magnetic stimulation of the brain helps relieve Alzheimer's symptoms
Experts have long been studying the effects of magnetic stimulation on patients with depression and schizophrenia. Such treatment with magnets to manipulate brain activity may also appear to improve the treatment of Alzheimer's. Researchers found that some patients already reported improvement in their memory.
So far, it was already known that a so-called magnetic therapy can help with depression and schizophrenia. Researchers from the Monash Alfred Psychiatry Research Center have now discovered that trans-cranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) may seem to be able to relieve early symptoms of Alzheimer's disease. The physicians published press release on the results of their investigations.
Alzheimer's affects mostly the elderly and leads to a cognitive decline. Sufferers gradually lose their memories. A new kind of treatment could counteract that. (Image: aytuncoylum / are currently studying the effects of TSM on patients with Alzheimer's disease
Regular discussions with subjects encouraged the experts to review the impact of TMS in early-stage Alzheimer's disease, explains author Professor Kate Hoy of the Monash Alfred Psychiatry Research Center. For this purpose, a current study is currently being conducted.
Researchers are testing theta-burst stimulation in Alzheimer's patients
The physicians used a new type of TMS called theta-burst stimulation. This technique allows shorter, higher-frequency stimulations to be delivered to four areas of the brain, the experts explain. These areas are linked to Alzheimer's disease. The process takes just three minutes, add the authors. By comparison, standard treatment usually takes forty minutes.
Applied method of treatment affects buildup of plaque proteins
The treatment aims to build up plaque proteins around brain cells and their way of communicating with each other, say the physicians. Communicating brain cells with each other determines how we think and how well information processing works in our brain, explains Professor Hoy.
Strengthening the brain regions should enable improved communication
"We try to bring regions that communicate with each other to better communication by strengthening their connection," explain the researchers. For a corresponding study currently 100 people with mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease are sought.
First successes have already been noted
Patients have already reported that they have noticed a noticeable difference in thinking and memory. In addition, the results improved in the cognitive tests performed, the researchers add. (As)