Active ingredients in the milk protect against diabetes

Active ingredients in the milk protect against diabetes / Health News

Active ingredients in milk protect against diabetes: US researchers have found in the milk a natural ingredient that can probably reduce the risk of diabetes. According to the study, regular milk drinkers have a 60 percent lower risk of developing type II diabetes.


During a study, scientists have „Harvard School of Public Health“ discovered in Boston a natural substance that can significantly reduce the type II diabetes risk. If the subjects found a high value of the so-called trans-palmitoleic milk substance, the risk of disease decreased by 60 percent. As the researchers further stated, the already known connection between a high-milk diet and the lower incidence of diabetes can now be explained. The research results can now be used to develop a drug from the milk fatty acid in the future, in order to use this targeted against diabetes type II. For this, however, further research should be carried out, in which the new findings are used, such as the research team to Dariush Mozaffarian of the Harvard School of Public Health in the scientific journal „Annals of Internal Medicine“ reported.

Long-term study actually examined cardiovascular disease
The results are based on an evaluation of a long-term medical study, involving a total of 3,736 women and men and carried out for several years. The real goal of the study, however, was a completely different one. In itself, the main objective was to explore the risk factors of cardiovascular diseases such as heart attack and high blood pressure. Therefore, during the course of the study, the scientists also examined blood glucose levels and the insulin levels of the participants in order to clarify signs of diabetes. In addition, the content of different fatty acids in the blood was recorded. The researchers also took a closer look at the trans-palmitoleic fatty acid content in the blood of the subjects. This fatty acid can not be self-produced by the human organism. Therefore, this particular lactic acid must be supplied to the body through various dairy products such as cheese, milk and yogurt.

The higher the milk fatty acid content, the better the blood and cholesterol levels
In the subsequent analysis of the data, the researchers found that there must be a clear context between the lactic acid content in the blood of the study participants and the health parameters. Because the higher the values ​​of the milk fatty acid were, the lower the cholesterol values ​​were and the more favorable the values ​​for inflammatory markers and insulin were. At the end of the study, the scientists found that those who had a particularly high trans-palmitoleic level in the blood were also less likely to be affected by diabetes. "The difference was immense, almost threefold," said Dariush Mozaffarian in the science magazine.

The data obtained should now provide a basis for further research. The data collected should now be examined more closely in order to substantiate the results more clearly. The mechanism needs to be further investigated to determine the potential for potential lactic acid therapy as a prevention or treatment. For the first time, the results of the study provide information about why people who consume many dairy products also suffer less from diabetes. "Previous studies have always been able to say that it is so, but never why," said Dariush Mozaffarian. It may take a few more years before a drug can actually be designed. However, one glass of milk per day for diabetes prevention can already be recommended.

Diabetes on the way to widespread disease
According to the latest estimates, at least nine million people in Germany have diabetes type II. However, the number of unreported cases is likely to be much higher, as many people still do not know about their illness. Unlike type I, type II develops in the course of a lifetime. Due to the increasing unhealthy lifestyle in the western industrialized nations, increasingly more and more young people are becoming ill with diabetes. In order to effectively prevent diabetes, it is necessary to move a lot, rather than white flour rather to use whole-grain products and to feed more vegetables. According to the study results, it is probably also beneficial to consume dairy products regularly. (Sb)

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Picture: almotti