Active ingredient is intended to reduce forgetfulness

Active ingredient is intended to reduce forgetfulness / Health News

Active ingredient against the process of age forgetfulness in the test


The older people become, the higher the degree of forgetfulness increases. It is almost a pain to not know what happened two weeks ago. Why the forgetfulness continuously increases in old age, is actually not fully understood until today. Researchers at the US University of Yale have tried to shed some light on a study. The main question was whether a designated drug the memory ability can be regained. The animal study was performed on monkeys of different ages.

Information processing in the brain slows down
The older man becomes, the more forgiving he becomes. In the medical community this process becomes „age forgetfulness“ (mild cognitive restrictions). It makes no difference which gender you have. Scientists at the University of Yale have now tested a novel drug that is supposed to slow down the process at least. Why the memory decreases with time is not clear to this day. The only thing that has been proven is that in older people's brains, signal transmission is less effective. „The neural connections between the nerve cells in the brain are increasingly weakened.“ The scientific team was particularly interested in the cellular mechanisms that underlie this decay phenomenon. The focus was on the prefrontal cortex (anterior region of the cerebral cortex), since this area is responsible for a functioning memory. Brain experts also call this area „Brain memory“. As with a computer, the memory must be constantly kept up to date. The neurons must always be in action for this process.

Drug suppressed production of molecules
The researchers were able to observe that the neurons were significantly less active in older animals than in young animals. It could be seen that in the anterior region of the cerebral cortex so-called cAMP molecules (cyclic adenosine monophosphate) accumulate in the old experimental animals. These molecules in turn weaken the transmission of information to the neurons. In the second trial, monkeys were given drugs to suppress the production of the molecules. A substance of it was „guanfacine“, that is already prescribed in conventional medicine for hypertension and attention deficit syndrome in the United States. In fact, after delivery, the conduction of the neurons improved. This was the older animal subjects „a neurochemical environment“ created similar to that of juveniles and blocked the ion channels. In further series of tests after the animal experiment, clinical tests are now to follow, which try out the active substance guanfacine in humans. The study participants should neither suffer from dementia nor Alzheimer's, but have reached the age of seniors. This series of experiments is already in preparation.

Age forgetfulness versus dementia
An age forgetfulness is a slight cognitive limitation. This shows up in everyday life with memory disorders and a reduced ability to concentrate on tasks for a long time. Vocabulary and the ability to speak are excluded. Nevertheless, patients often withdraw from their social environment and avoid stressful stress, as they need to process information quickly. The forgetfulness of old age should not be confused with dementia. The latter involves much more massive disruptions and limitations. In addition, the age forgetfulness progresses from a certain age no more.

To counteract the aging process with natural remedies
In naturopathy extracts of ginkgo are administered to reduce the aging process. In the course of aging, oxygen radicals are released, which have a toxic effect on the tissue in the body. Gingko biloba extracts can scavenge these radicals. But it is still debatable whether the medicinal plant can actually develop a positive effect. The previous study results are contradictory. (Sb)

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Image: Gerd Altmann,