Discovered drug against malaria

Discovered drug against malaria / Health News

New drug against malaria discovered?

(05.09.2010) Scientist of the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute in Basel and the pharmaceutical company „Novartis“ it may have been possible to develop an antimalarial drug. At least, an effective drug could be found for mice, which protects the animals from infection of the malaria parasite. Whether the substance found also works in humans is still unclear and must be investigated in further studies.

Researchers from the Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute in Basel and the pharmaceutical manufacturer „Novartis“ has made a decisive breakthrough in malaria research. The scientists have developed a new drug that kills malaria pathogens. The new substance belongs to the chemical class of „spiroindolone“. At least in mice, the active ingredient has jumped and has successfully combated the pathogens.

To find the chemical, the research group searched the large database of Avandis until a promising drug could be found. About 200 descendants of this were made to analyze the effectiveness and safety. It could then become one „Spiroindolon“ with the label „NITD609“ be developed. According to the team, the substance meets all the key criteria of an effective malaria antidote.

Other methods had previously failed in the search for a malaria drug. The „target-based drug discovery” sets out to first examine the metabolic pathways of the pathogens and then develop on the PC molecules that specifically intervene in these reactions.

Currently it is not clear if „NITD609“ Has side effects. At least none were identifiable in the laboratory. In test series, two out of four major malaria pathogens were killed. These are the malaria pathogens „Plasmodium falciparum“ such as „Plasmodium vivax“. The scientists suspect, however, that the substance found also acts against the resistant malaria strains. It is one for the „Plasmodium“ vital „diaphragm pump“, whose function is inhibited by NITD609. In any case, this substance is effective until the pathogens mutate.

The research team itself speaks of success, yet warns against too great expectations. The newly discovered molecule must be examined more clearly for safety and side effects. It could take another 3 to 6 years to produce a corresponding drug. Because before must be carried out studies in which people are involved.

It is interesting in this context that western medicine had to suffer bitter disappointments in the search for effective anti-malarial drugs. However, access to natural remedies from traditional Chinese medicine could have previously led researchers to effective substances. During archaeological excavations in the 70s, a millennia old mugwort formulation was discovered against malaria. After this discovery, the formula was examined much later and it was amazing findings can be obtained. In fact, an effective antimalarial drug has been developed that is now recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Malaria is a serious illness that can lead to death if left untreated. The symptoms of malaria include high fever, severe diarrhea, and severe stomach and intestinal spasms. Especially in children and patients with a weakened immune system, malaria can quickly lead to coma and death. According to the WHO, around one million people worldwide die of malaria every year, around half of them are children under the age of five. The vast majority of sufferers come from Africa (90 percent) In Germany, an average of 900 people fall ill each year. 3 to 8 people die of tropical fever in Germany. (Sb)