Welcome to this year's flu season

Welcome to this year's flu season / Health News

The winter season carries increased risk of influenza

The Robert Koch Institute (RKI) reports on the start of the flu season. From the 40th calendar week, the RKI publishes the Influenza Weekly Report. This report provides weekly information on the activity of influenza viruses and the prevalence of acute respiratory diseases in Germany. In the summer season, this report appears only monthly.

According to the latest report, the proven cases of influenza viruses nationwide have doubled in the last five weeks, but an increased seasonal activity was not detected. For the 41st calendar week, the RKI reports a normal to slightly increased activity of respiratory diseases, ie diseases that affect the respiratory tract. 428 medical practices participate actively in the weekly reports.

The 40th calendar week heralds the beginning of the flu season. (Image: eyeQ / fotolia.com)

The unreported number is high

The Lower Saxony State Health Office reports: "More than 80 percent of the causative agents of acute respiratory infections are viruses. However, as a rule, viruses are rarely diagnosed, because laboratory diagnostics are quite expensive and therefore rarely performed. "

Regional differences

Even though there is a low activity of acute respiratory diseases (ARE) nationwide, there may be large deviations in individual regions. According to the current interactive ARE report of the Lower Saxony State Health Office, Niedersachsen has a low ARE activity in day care centers, but has a high level of activity in Friesland and even a very high level of activity in the Uelzen region.

Influenza worldwide

The RKI weekly reports on influenza activity provide additional results for pan-European and global influenza surveillance. According to the report, there is currently low influenza activity across Europe, and there are currently no grounds for concern worldwide. (Fp)