Why does jazz make you fat and hip-hop slim?

Why does jazz make you fat and hip-hop slim? / Health News

Taste experience is significantly influenced by background music


Dick through jazz and slim through hip-hop? Background music can have a significant impact on appetite, according to a recent study by the US research team led by study leader Han-Seok Seo of the University of Arkansas Institute of Nutrition Science. The jazz music tempting dishes taste even more and it tends to eat more, while hip-hop here rather an opposite effect unfolds, the researchers report in the journal „appetite“ (Elsevier publishing house). Classic and rock, however, had no significant effect on the appetite of the subjects shown.

As part of their study, the researchers had 99 subjects undergo various experiments to determine possible connections between the background music and the taste impression. According to the scientists, the participants received chocolate as „emotional food“ and peppers as „non-emotional food“, during which they were entertained in succession with four different musical styles - classical, jazz, hip-hop and rock. The piece of music was the same every time, but it was recited by a solo artist or a band in different interpretations. After the test „with the four musical stimuli, the participants were asked to rate the sensory perception and the impression of the food“, write the US scientists on.

Jazz enhances the taste experience
The jazz music in the tests had a significant effect on the taste and the sensory perception of the emotional food (chocolate), but showed no effect on the statements of the subjects to the „non-emotional food“, report the researchers of the University of Arkansas. Overall, the participants had the taste experience of chocolate while listening to the jazz music rated much higher than listening to hip-hop. Classical and rock had no significant effect, possibly due to the fact that these music styles are often used for marketing purposes and can be heard in public spaces. In order to be better able to renounce and to achieve a clearer effect in diets, jazz fans should therefore in the future, if you lose weight if necessary to switch to hip-hop. The study shows, „that the music genres can significantly influence the taste and overall impression of food stimuli“, so the conclusion of the US scientists.

Diet with Hip-Hop?
The effect of music on sensory perception has been used by the trade for years, for example by running special music styles while shopping. The influence of jazz on the taste experience, which has now been determined, could in future possibly also be increasingly applied by the gastronomy. If your favorite restaurant is going to have jazz in the near future, you probably would like the menu to be much more appealing, but you're probably more likely to ask for a lookup. The risk of gaining a little weight increases. During a diet, therefore, jazz music is rather counterproductive, while hip-hop can certainly develop a positive accompanying effect here. (Fp)

Picture: Rainer Sturm